
Day 3,719, 06:43 Published in Canada Canada by Thedillpickl

Hi kids!

Well that was refreshing. We had an honest to goodness fight last night. It might seem discouraging that Cuba lost and of course Canada regrets that Venezuela has encroached on their shores. Yet there are positive points to check out, let's take a look.


D4 overall damage taken less than an hour before the war ended.

Looking at overall damage in Division 4 it appears as though we were evenly matched. Of course the other guys will claim that they didn't need to pull out all the stops. I fought in the first few rounds, didn't look like they were holding back to me. lol

Orion is not a big alliance. We do have some hefty friends but they were not required to win the initial D4 rounds. Out of the top ten contributors we fin😛

4 Canadians
3 Cubans
2 Netherlands
1 Estonian

The left column of figures would be the respective damage for our guys, the right column is the top ten of the other side. (Sorry to crop their names, not!) As you can see, our top three fighters surpassed Venezuela's #1 fighter. (Special recognition for Exalted Druid’s contribution.) Without analysis I would surmise that Orion did more with fewer players in D4.

Divisions 1 - 3

Our weakness was obvious from the onset. In the very first round D4 won and the lower divisions lost. That was the case for the rest of the evening. I did not check every round, if one round was won by lower division please let me know and I'll amend this article.

Editor's Update:
"Division 1 did win 1 of the battles for Cuba"

I don't consider this a failure but an opportunity. Our countries and MUs need to review their fighters. First thing to check out would be if we have sufficient players to make a decent showing. If not the answer is quite obvious, recruit! If we have adequate players, why didn't they fight? Three answers come to min😛 They didn't know what was going on; They didn't have weapons or food; They were not strong enough / prepared.

My suggestions:
1. Talk to your people. MU Commanders need to be at minimum informed of upcoming conflicts so they can prepare. Of course details are secret for a reason but you can't wait until the last minute and expect people to magically show up. The MoD should be ready to publish an article immediately after the war begins.
2. Again, preparation is key. Fighters require weapons and food to be effective. Daily supplies are used daily. Even the lowest grunt needs to have a stockpile.
3. This is the hardest one. How you prepare to make war starts with individual effort and goes all the way to CP’s chair. Players need to build their Strength to be effective. How they do that is too big of an affair to place here.

This can be a learning experience if we take advantage of it or it can be the failure as it appears, you choose. Personally I'm attempting to help. (See my previous article about TGs.) I may not be very active today but I've still got a few tricks up my sleeve.


To finish on an upbeat, congrats to Orion! The governments communicated, plans were made and executed. The alliance stood together. Those with the ability gave what they had. Cuba did not sit back and watch, their people were in the fight too. All in all I'd say there is nothing to hang our heads over. Live and learn.