Oh hai, last one.

Day 4,039, 12:42 Published in USA Canada by Thomas Arashikage

Goodbye to all of you. If only I had done this sooner I'd have the love of my life. But she's gone and now too I will be gone. I met her in the fed chat and the rest is between her and I. We loved each other so intensely at times. Other times I grew complacent. Either consciously or subconsciously. This game as well as other factors took us down a road to ruin. When I first started this game I was bored and clicked on a link. It might have been Facebook. I'm not quite sure. A couple of years later out of sheer happen stance Harliquinn and I met on IRC in the Federalist political party chat. From there flirtatation grew and sprouted into love. When I first started flirting with her, never in my wildest dreams did I think we'd ever be together. But we were. We even lived together. We started a life and out of sheer stupidity I messed it up. On several occasions. From time to time she would come back here. Probably because it took my attention away from her. At one point she recorded an argument we had about me going into Twitch or Mixer or whatever it is now. My stomach turns at hearing myself and the hurtful words I put on her. On her heart. Her heart was mine and I trampled it. She would want recognition here. I could never understand because our life had grown beyond this platform. I wasn't hiding her. I guess I was shielding myself so if I wanted to continue here it wouldn't be too hard. But, it is hard. This game as well as social media is addicting. I tried to break away and for the most part I did. I changed my name to become anonymous. I set benchmark goals to be able to leave sooner. Hoping she would come back to my arms and we could love again. I should have listened. I should have logged out and never looked back. I only really stayed because I made some cool friends during the 8 years of playing here. I met my greatest love here. I'm sorry.

Goodbye. 💔

Jonathan aka Chance Harrison