Official candidates for congress [Nationalgardet]

Day 1,585, 09:31 Published in Sweden Sweden by C.Nilsson

Hello members of the proud party Nationalgardet. I have togheter with the board in NG decided were our official members shall run for congress. Since eSweden is in a war and lost some regions we will have to share regions but im sure it will work out for the best. Here is the list:

Jämtland härjedalen:

David Karlsson

Dont vote here everyone is in!

Jegarmister (In Jämntland härjedalen, dont vote)
Swerige (In Jämntland härjedalen, dont vote)

This is updated so whats on here now is what goes!

On voting day please contact me and i will direct you were to vote, this will make sure we dont give one cadidate to many votes.

The candidates has been choice for there activity and loyalty to NG those who are not considerd official members this month simply need to be more active in our forum and i bet you will be an official member for next month. I wish all the running candidates for NG the best of luck!

party president for Nationalgardet