Oblige forces Speaker of the House to Resign!

Day 1,580, 13:38 Published in USA USA by Israel Stevens

On Friday, a rather large piece of news went mostly unnoticed. One of America’s national treasures, and beloved citizens, rainy sunday, resigned from Congress. For those unaware, rainy is currently the Speaker of the House, so her resignation from Congress came as a shock to those that noticed it.

While it is true, that the United States Constitution allows citizens to be Speaker of the House, without actually being a Congressman in game, it is rare, and has only happened on a handful of occasions. And to have the current Speaker resign is even more rare.

But rainy’s resignation was not without cause. She resigned because she wants no part in supporting Oblige’s administration after a bevy of personal attacks from the President. She thinks he should be impeached, but also recognizes that she is heavily biased and believes that she should not have a vote in the matter. She will be remaining as the Speaker, but won’t be able to vote in game, going forward.

You can read all of Madam Speaker’s comments here, in this thread.

Even though my opinion is also heavily biased, I believe that this sort of behavior is unacceptable from our President. Congressional matters are not the business of the President, and under no circumstances should he be influencing the Speaker of the House to resign from Congress. This is yet another instance of Oblige burying anyone that disagrees with him. While having political rivals is fine, attacking them to the point where they resign, is intolerable. Rainy is one of the nicest people in this game. When I first started writing articles, she sent me a PM and told me that she liked my paper, and encouraged me to keep writing. There needs to be more people like rainy sunday in this game.

I am outraged that this has happened, and you should be as well.