Newfoundland, Portugal, and Denmark

Day 2,427, 10:01 Published in United Kingdom Poland by Lanthanide

Upon further examination of comments on my previous articles, I do see why we gave Newfoundland and Labrador back: it creates a buffer between us and, for example, Portugal. I award each person who made such a comment a Brownie Point, which, albeit worthless, I believe you should wear as a badge of honor.

Furthermore, I believe that Newfoundland and Labrador should be worked into the peace deal I described in my last article. This way, the province is a buffer for us, and Canada gets to keep a relatively large chunk of real estate. It's a win-win. This DOESN'T mean, though, that we should stop trying to conquer territory west and north. If we do this, we take a lot of land away from Canada, further expanding our realm.

NOTE: I noticed that Canada moved their capital to a remote location in India. Even that could be negotiated into the peace treaty. We just want the majority of their land.

Furthermore, I believe that after our campaign with Canada is completed, that we should attack Denmark next. But why the Danes, you may ask?

1. We don't have an alliance with the Danes.
2. Denmark is tiny. 116 people tiny.
3. Those 116 people would be added to our population if we won (they'd automatically become U.K. citizens).
4. Stationing ourselves in Denmark would give us immediate expansion potential. (But don't try to attack Serbia. Serbia would squash us like a bug.)
5. If we continue to attack small, one-region nations and assimilate their citizens into our country, we can build our army so that we might be able to one day attack bigwigs like Serbia and achieve total world domination. Denmark is the first step.

1. Apparently, we do have an alliance with the Danes, but the alliance isn't listed in regular gameplay.
2. Denmark is 116 people tiny, but 3 regions large.
3. Those 116 people WOULDN'T be added to the population if we won (not unless we won in all three regions).
4. Stationing ourselves in Denmark would give us limited expansion potential, since Serbia borders them on every side.
5. This point is still true. If we attack small nations and assimilate them into the UK, then we'll be able to build our forces ever so gradually so that we might be able to fight Serbia someday.