My Thoughts on the Subject

Day 2,656, 07:58 Published in Ireland Ireland by Anthony Colby

My fellow Irish Citizens,

Three days ago a change was made to our eworld. A change that will change the way the game is played. Three days ago the creators of eRepublik decided to allow a Military Unit to overthrow the elected government of a nation. Whatever their reasoning is; be it more exciting gameplay, throwing the players a bone to keep us from complaining or more money for themselves, doesn’t matter.

What matters is that there are consequences to how we smaller nations play.

Whether they knew it or not the change the Admins implemented has caused many of the smaller nations of eRepublik to consider or install their own dictators in an attempt to prevent a foreign power from doing so.

That decision has come to Ireland.

A proposal was made in congress to install our own dictator to prevent a Military Unit from a foreign power from taking over and stealing our nation. I am sure that proposal was made with the security and best interests of Ireland and us all at heart.

The thing is, I can’t vote yes.

At the end of this upcoming May I will have been an eIrish citizen for 5 years. I have been either a Congress member or some other member in the Cabinet or government for most of that time. I carefully think out every new proposal and law. I probably drive most of my fellow officials crazy with my incessant questions of how and why? Will this be good? Will everyone benefit or only some? Back on the old forums I usually was one of the members with the highest post numbers because of all these questions. I use my head and decide rationally what I think will be the best course for Ireland and all of us.

But in this instance my head is not taking the lead. My heart has taken the lead on this one. My heart tells me no. My head won’t listen.

I know why this is the case. In real life I am a student of history. I have loved history since I can remember. I studied history in college and after getting a degree in history 20 plus years ago I have never stopped learning more and more.

I have never heard of a good dictator.

I play this game the way I live my life. I treat all as I would like to be treated. I don’t lie, cheat or steal. I try to be as helpful as possible to as many as possible. I answer questions when I can. I serve Ireland as best I can. I serve without asking for reward or recognition.

So how can I do something in game that I would not do in real life.

Some may say that it is only a game and no one will get hurt. That it is not really a dictatorship. That we need to do this to protect ourselves. That it is foolish to not do so. We will be overthrown in days and there is nothing that we can do to stop it.

That may be true. It probably is.

I still can’t do it.

Like I said back at the beginning, I don’t think this proposal is done with malice in mind. I don’t think that those who agree are evil or foolish. I seriously think that many feel this is in the best interest of Ireland and us all. I am not angry with them. How can I be angry with someone who has our best interests in mind even if I disagree with the way to go about it.

On the same note I know how hard a decision this was for me. I have seen others that have the same opinion. I hope that those who are for the proposal will see the same thing and not hold the decision to not want a dictator against them. We all have to vote our conscience. We can do no less.

This is not an attempt to sway anyone. I am not starting a movement to stop this proposal, nor am I going to tell anyone how to vote. This is to let everyone know my feelings and why I have chosen to vote the way I have.

That being said I will of course abide by any decision that the majority decides. I hope there is a national referendum on the issue. In my humble opinion a decision this large requires us all to choose how we want to deal with this issue. Once a decision is made however I will continue to serve Ireland as I have in the past. No matter the outcome of the vote.

Some may hold it against me. I hope not. I do not want to lose any friends over this. This is not a vote against any individual or group. I won’t hold it against anyone however they choose to vote.

To me this is the wrong move.

If we install a dictator I hope with all my heart that I am wrong.

Thanks for your time.

Anthony Colby