My candidature

Day 1,291, 01:07 Published in South Korea Romania by MirceaDrac

"I want to create a better South Korea for everyone"

This was my motto some time ago and I still believe that I can accomplish this if I get the chance. My policy for governing will be based on moderation, innovation, communication and continuation.

The community we play in is diverse and has many different views about the problems of the country. Trying to moderate between all these opinions will be one of my first goals as only together we can achieve greatness and only through sacrifices from all sides we will get to consensus.

We will try to bring gold in the country by involving the eSKer capitalists into more exports and also by asking the RL SK community to make an effort and help us with a small Baby Boom. These parts have been neglected too much so far and will be addressed if I get elected.

An almost daily article from the government/presidential cabinet will be addressed to the people of eSK. The communication part is very poor for the moment. There are so many things that could be done better and will be done better: forum unification, participation of the president in the congress discussions, reuniting the congress at least once per week.
Making the people participate actively in the decision we take and being informed about what is really happening makes the game more interesting for everyone and will get the players retention to be much higher.

The good policies we had before will not be abandoned. They are the engine that pushes us forward and I will make sure that the right people will get in charge where things where going wrong and the ones that were doing a good job will be provided the best environment to proceed as they did before or even better.

You all have seen that one of my goals is to get our aluminum bonus. I will sit at the negotiations table day and night till we get what we all want. We are proud people and we deserve sovereignty over our land. There is also the rent option that our friends and neighbors will have but the land is always better.

The team I have in mind goes as follows, they have not been asked first and I apologize for that:

MoD, vMo😨 just-me, lcome
MoMaH(media,health): utoronto, Dan/naD Wilshire
MoE(economy): brandyrocks, Kreussen, Tudor_Corneliu
MoFA: Clopoyaur, William Choi

I will make sure each of the departments have a track of all the expenses and a report will be presented at the end of the term.

Vote me and we will have a great time getting the country to the place it belongs.