Musings of an Under-Informed Previously Kinda Somebody

Day 2,655, 17:19 Published in USA USA by Aeriadne

As I enjoy my absolute irrelevance and uselessness to this country again, and quietly click my minimal clicks of retirement, I'm left wondering about a couple of things as the world spins onwards.

First Musing
I want to congratulate the Black Sheep party on their absolutely incredible turnout at the booths this last congressional cycle. The dedication to such an extensive botnet is admirable. Although, I am left curious as to what good it does in this day and age to have such a thorough installation of fake profiles voting up your membership. Sure, Congress is an austere tradition, but what use can really be gained from it in this set of circumstances? Perhaps your party's dedication to taxes is just greater than I will ever know. Regardless, good luck replacing the ones you lost.

Second Musing
Even more intriguing than the Black Sheep's recent robotic activities are SFP's apparent domination of the media. It seems the lovely Artela has finally found the perfect avenue for attempting to dick over Pfeiffer, though I'm not entirely sure how well it's going, seeing how little parties actually do these days. Will SFP rise up to replace Black Sheep as the 5th most useless party this nation doesn't need? Will Artela gain a semblance of vengeance? It's these little things that keep me logged in and working every day.

And Third and Final Musing
I wonder how long it's going to take before Gnil and Easy Company attempt a military coup of America. RaccoonGoon, if you're reading this, do clue me in. You know me; I love a good attempted coup. 😁

Shoutout to Darkskye for producing one of the better comics I've seen in a while. It's nice to know good media's not totally belly up.
