Mr President.... WHERE ARE YOU!?!!??

Day 732, 01:24 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Auggustus

I find it amazing that this is the second time as country president that we have heard nothing from you! We have heard nothing from you.We the citiczens therefore ask, Where are you Mr President Thomas Red?

We are hearing the outcry of citizens regarding the way the country is being run and yet we hear nothing from Thomas Red. Not even one article in the last 8 days!

I would expect that as president we would be hearing your voice over the rest! The presidential voice is powerful yet it remains mute when our country is on the verge of crisis.
I have ever heard one citizen say that the only time when we hear him speak is when there is something positive to be said.

We are asked to have trust in our government but how can there be trust when we hear nothing.
We are currently a country that resembles a chicken with no head. (The internal bickering would represent the blood that is rushing out of its neck).

A president should be there with a voice regarding a plan on the future of the nation and not be communicating with certain individuals in the government through backdoor politics.
A president should be there to guide our citizens through the treacherous waters and bring us to safety. And yet we have been drifting to the center of a hurricane ready to be swept up again in the turmoil that many of us see in the future.

I may sound very pessimistic at the moment to some people. But I believe I must speak out when then optimist in me says, "Hey it could be worse!"

We would like to hear from you, ThomasRed, and what your plan is for the future of the United Netherlands... that is if you can be found first.