Moo’s VP Choice

Day 920, 11:56 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by moomoohead

I am pleased to announce that Irish Princess has agreed to be VP of Ireland if I am elected president. I asked her because we both have a lot of things in common in how we play this game. We are both very active, have a large network of support, have a sense of humour, enjoy helping new citizens, and have Dylan as a good friend. We are both generally nice people...I am just not as good looking or as creative as she is. I believe she would continue to do the terrific job she has been doing as "Ministress" of Community along with her VP role.

The Princess has served her kingdom in a Varity of positions: Party President, TD, Ministress of New Citizens, Ministress of Community, and Official Royal Highness. She will be a splendid partner (I asked Patton’s permission, do not want to get shot).

She is having a bit of an influence on me already!

For those of you wondering what the job of the VP entitles, here is a quick summary:

First task: You are in responsible for updating the master list of government assets. These include the passwords to all 38 government orgs and companies. It is the VP's job to make sure passwords are changed regularly and to control who has access to these orgs and companies. For this reason, a VP must be a highly trusted and well-organized citizen. There is no question the Princess fills this function.

Second job: Finding junior ministers, ambassadors, and new citizens for government work. If elected, bringing more new people into the government will be an objective of our team. The Princess would be perfect for this role based on her past experience as Minister of new citizens and her knowledge of different Minister roles.

Final job: Getting the Presidential candidates votes (in all reality). I would hope that my partnership with the Princess would translate to votes from all the good looking people in the game.

In closing, I would just like to say I am looking forward to working closely with Irish Princess. **Just not too closely Patton**

Moo for President Articles
Finance (to come soon)
Community (to come soon)
Foreign Affairs (to come soon)
Defence (to come soon)
New Citizens (to come soon)