Moo on Education

Day 925, 14:46 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by moomoohead

Continuing on in my series of articles on what I would do if elected I will cover a small under utilized ministry. The Minister of Educations Org is Named “University of Ireland” but the Education has been aimed more on the junior infant’s level in the past. I think we need to live up to the name of the org and offer education at the graduate level. What am I talking about? The target audience for the minister of education was new players in the past. How do you fight, heal, etc. I want to learn something from the minister of Education and what I am proposing is that the Minister targets the education to experienced active players. Let the minister on new citizen educate the new players.

If I am elected the Minister of education will have one goal this month, produce the most advanced how to guide on publishing articles. I do not mean to the level of how to insert an image or make something bold. How to guides exist for this now.

* What I would like to know is how do you put in a country flag counter?

* How do you get the fancy blinking pictures like Nail H, and Sean Power use?

* How do you change font in comments?

* How do you resize pictures to create banners?

If the minister of education published just one great how to guide every month think of the Library we would have in that org. How about a guides to the money market, starting a business, Warfare strategy, the list could go on.

Tell me what you think; would a great how to guide be helpful recourse? Is there anything you wanted to know on publishing articles? What other how to guides do you think would be useful?

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