Ministry of Health Norway

Day 2,488, 11:56 Published in Norway Netherlands by Xibbard

Dear Norwegian citizens,

asof this month we have a Ministry of Health

this means EVERYONE in divisions 1&2 can apply for FREE food everyday!

unfortunately i was away for a couple of days, i have vakation now and decided to help my grandma out,

i have been informed i there have been donations already, a big THANK YOU for that,

what my plans are this month is to try to get all initiatives by citizens conserning free food under 1 roof, so that everything is shared equaly and fairly

now that i am back i will try to contact these initiatives,

if you are a Norwegian citizen in division 1 or 2, please feel free to apply to the program, free food everyday, no catch no bullsh*t, just for free,
you can apply in a pm to me,

since i just came back and am sick i might not be able to respond immediately, but i WILL respond,

Your Minister of Health, Xibbard