Military Update- Movement Compensation

Day 2,101, 09:48 Published in Japan Japan by William of Edenbury

Movement Compensation Program
Created by suggestions from the recent PM survey, this program will be a bit complicated so try to keep up.

Note:Military programs written in these update Articles are described as they apply to the Imperial Japanese Army. The Imperial Army Reserve runs restricted versions of select programs based on Commander and MoD decisions.

Full Overview
In order to keep costs from rising out of control, The Movement Compensation Program will have several restrictions placed upon it. Soldiers will only be compensated upon two factors. Those factors are regional deployment and Government/Ministry of Defense orders. The IJA will be given orders to deploy to certain regions. All compensation will then be based upon the last region the Army was deployed in. This means that if the IJA is deployed in Chugoku and then redeployed to California, we will only be compensating soldiers for the amount necessary for that distance. If a soldier ended up in Limpopo without orders, he will still only get enough money to move from Chugoku to California. Referring to the second factor, only Officially ordered deployments will be compensated. If you do not see an MoD article telling you that you are being deployed to a region, then you will not be compensated for moving around. However Daily Orders will come up that require movement. This is because of the way that the battle priority mechanics work and not because we are sanctioning a movement order. Soldiers that see a DO that needs them to move, but do not have an MoD article pasted in the IJA feed telling them to move, can ignore the Daily Order until it is adjusted.

Short Version:
You will get compensated for moving only if you see a Ministry of Defense article telling you so. You can ignore Daily Orders that require you to move if you do not see a MoD article telling you that you will get compensated.

Current Deployment orders are set to Chugoku. We ask that all soldiers move their in order for their future deployment orders to be covered. Unfortunately we will not be paying for this first deployment order as soldiers are spread out over many regions and I am already overworking our command staff too much to have them track down where all the soldiers are and figure out how much it would cost to compensate them.

Help them get the supplies they need!

Quartermaster Program:
As Previously mentioned, I have been running our officers ragged setting up and running the Supply system and other programs for the Military. So we are looking for volunteers to become Regiment Quartermasters. Volunteers will assist the Commander and Captains in distributing weapons to the soldiers. Do not worry though, volunteers will only be assigned small groups of soldiers to keep an eye on and supply. So if you have a couple extra minutes a day, sign up.

Extra Note:
I would like to give a big thank you to our officers for doing an exemplary job with the supply distribution and all the the other demands I have been placing on them. In the recent PM survey I conducted among the soldiers, I was painted an absolutely glowing picture of punctual and efficient supply drops. The hard work of our officers has helped push the average damage output of the Military by more than 30% during the implementation of the first supply program!

~William of Edenbury, Minister of Defense