Menuju eIndonesia Baru ---- Wind of Change

Day 1,936, 17:30 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by ijack happyman

Salam Hormat buat Bapak ePresiden,

Sebagai samurai pengelana yang tidak terikat dengan shogun-shogun dan berumahkan lantai bumi dan atap langit, saya sangat prihatin dengan isu-isu, kondisi dan polemik yang ada di eIndonesia tercinta ini.

ada beberapa isue yang berkembang di masyarakat saat ini yang harus di sikapi segera oleh bapak Presiden adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Ketidak puasan sebagian Rakyat eIndonesia yang besar ini terhadap sistem politik negara seperti isu konsep arisan CP

2. eGov sangat lambat responnya terhadap keinginan dan kebutuhan rakyat

3. Rakyat menghendaki perubahan sistem segera di laksanakan sehingga terbentuk eIndonesia baru.

4.Rakyat menghendaki Negara segera punya visi misi yang jelas yg di sahkan oleh undang-undang sebagai panduan negara menjalankan roda pemerintahan

5. Rakyat menghendaki persatuan dan kesatuan segera di ciptakan

6. Rakyat menghendaki ePresiden memiliki wibawa di mata rakyat

7. Rakyat menghendaki ePresiden memiliki sikap tegas,wibawa, peka, mendengar

Oleh karena hal tersebut di atas saya memiliki saran untuk bapak ePresiden sebagai berikut :

1. Rakyat menghendaki terciptanya eIndonesia baru yang berbeda dgn wajah eIndonesia sebelumnya dengan berasaskan persatuan dan kesatuan.

2. ePresiden harus berani segera berbicara dengan rakyat perihal sikap dan kebijakan baru yg akan di jalankan .

3. ePresiden harus segera mengeluarkan cetak biru Visi Misi Negara tahun 2013 yg di sahkan Undang-undang

4.ePresiden harus berani melakukan perubahan sistem politik, ekonomi dan militer negara sehingga dapat mewujudkan terciptanya eIndonesia baru yang kuat dan di segani di dunia

5.ePresiden harus mampu menjadi leader terdepan untuk menarik gerbong rakyat yang besar ini menuju terciptanya eIndonesia baru

6.ePresiden harus mampu peka, mampu mendengar keluhan, kebutuhan rakyat dan mampu berkomunikasi langsung kepada rakyat setiap harinya untuk merespon kritik-kritik baik itu kritik yang pahit.

7.ePresiden bisa menjadi ePresiden yang di cintai rakyat

8.Ayo ePresiden anda bisa melakukan perubahan , kesempatan berubah dan sejarah itu sekarang ada di tangan anda. ciptakan Sejarah itu agar anda dapat di kenang sebagai ePresiden yang baik dan di cintai rakyat

9. Referensi :

Sepenggal lirik lagu Wind of change buat ePresiden untuk mengingat kembali keberania ePresiden uni Soviet Gorbachev pada saat berani melakukan perubahan di Uni Soviet dan Eropa Timur tempo dulu.

I Follow The Moskva
Down To Gorky Park
Listening To The Wind Of Change
An August Summer Night
Soldiers Passing By
Listening To The Wind Of Change
The World Is Closing In
Did You Ever Think
That We Could Be So Close, Like Brothers
The Future's In The Air
I Can Feel It Everywhere
Blowing With The Wind Of Change

Take Me To The Magic Of The Moment
On A Glory Night
Where The Children Of Tomorrow Dream Away
In The Wind Of Change

Gambar Mikhael Gorbachev ex Presiden uni Soviet

Salam Batosai
Ijack happyman

English Version:

Best regards for Mr ePresiden,

As a wandering samurai who are not bound by the shogun-shogun and have the house earth floor and roof of the sky, I am very concerned with the issues, conditions and polemics in this beloved eIndonesia.

there are some isue growing in today's society that should take very shortly by Mr. President are as follows:

1. People's dissatisfaction eIndonesia great part is the country's political system as the issue of the concept of social gathering CP

2. eGov very slow response to the wishes and needs of the people

3. People want change in the system is immediately carried out to form the new eIndonesia.

4.Rakyat want the State to immediately have a clear vision of the mission in which passes by the laws of your country as the wheels of government

5. People want unity and immediately made

6. People want ePresiden have authority in the eyes of the people

7. People want ePresiden have assertiveness, prestige, sensitive, hearing

Because of the above I have a suggestion for you ePresiden as follows:

1. People want the creation of a new eIndonesia different faces with previous eIndonesia ° Based unity.

2. ePresiden should dare to immediately talk to people about the attitudes and policies that will be run.

3. ePresiden should immediately issue a blueprint Vision Mission State in the year 2013 that the Act passes

4.ePresiden must have the courage to change the political system, economic and military state so as to realize the creation of a powerful new eIndonesia and segani in the world

5.ePresiden should be able to be a leader in the forefront to attract the people of this great wagon for the creation of new eIndonesia

6.ePresiden should be able to be sensitive, able to hear the complaints, the needs of the people and be able to communicate directly to the people every day to respond to criticisms both bitter criticism.

7.ePresiden could be that in love people ePresiden

8.Came on ePresiden you can make a change, a chance to change and it's history is now in your hands. History made it so that you can be recalled as ePresiden good and love the people

9. Referensi :

Piece song Wind of change for ePresiden to recall keberania ePresiden Gorbachev at the Soviet Union dared to make changes in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe of the past.

I Follow The Moskva
Down to Gorky Park
Listening To The Wind Of Change
An August Summer Night
Soldiers Passing By
Listening To The Wind Of Change
The World Is Closing In
Did You Ever Think
That We Could Be So Close, Like Brothers
The Future's In The Air
I Can Feel It Everywhere
Blowing With The Wind Of Change

Take Me To The Magic Of The Moment
On A Glory Night
Where The Children Of Tomorrow Dream Away
In The Wind Of Change

Regards Batosai
Ijack happyman