Let's Plan for Tomorrow Today

Day 964, 19:04 Published in Canada Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins

So, looks like AFA can multi it's way to the top. I watched this abortion for a few months working for the gov't and well, add the huge number of vote sellers none of this is surprising beyond the fact some are willing to spend sooooooooo much to achieve their PTO goals. Well it's your money so I can't tell you hw to spend it, only offer some advice, maybe it's to go out and have some fun, buy a new toy to show how kewl you are.

Anyone who listens to RGR by this point obviously does not care about this country. Regardless of the fancy words he uses to gain support, in the end he always shows his true colours. From outright stocking a girl in RL, to posting other's personal info all over the internet for everyone to see, he never has stopped or relented from taking a simple rowser game into real life and causing grief for others far outside of the realms of the game. This type of behaviour is pathetic and will always stand to show his true character and odd frame of mind as to right and wrong. No matter his arguements he has proved himself the type of person that arguements aside is really a pshycopath, we must always beware this.

Anyway as I've stated previously we must start to plan ahead no matter how this month pans out, the future we must start working toward. CTRL has agreed to help our ATO efforts. Brail Spain and Poland will soon be joining us as citizens to reinforce our fight. At the same time we must keep reducing our bonuses. You heard that right. These persons that some may not like will be coming here to reduced bonuses to help us politically. Unlike this current group who are here for the money to help their motherland and willing to PTO the USA for their own benefit, these people will move here and lose money, lose their profits, to honestly help us.

I understand this may be hard on some Emerikans exspecially the young, our babies and our loyal fighters. The difference is that we have the resources available to survive this, those that are here for their motherlands can not. The resourse whores are here to supply their own and this will be no better for them. They do make the arguement look great to keep the resources but that's only to cover their real intentions. I say Shove Off.

The time for action is now not waiting for next months elections.

Your Goddess,