Latest trifle: I'm winning in my Diplomacy game (omgthatneverhappens)

Day 496, 22:15 Published in USA Czech Republic by milestailsprower

Oh my gosh. I'm Italy with the most SCs (don't worry, France is friendly 🙂

Who would've thunk it would've gone from a triple alliance against France to a I decide to ally with him and slowly stave communication off with German ally.

Seriously that's what happened. He mails me, but not vice-versa. It is the first time I am the leader in number of SCs.

Thank you, thank you very much. No autographs. 😛

Of course now France wants to get Rumania. Just where exactly can I expand now with all my armies. What am I going to do, convoy them all to the Turkish home SCs.

Sure I can get into Galicia, but I 'm not too hot about a war with Russia and Germany. Most likely England who actually talks with Germany will get invoulved and it'll be 3-2 alliances. Russia's not big though, so perhaps he'll just get eaten...

I could go for Bulgaria after he gets Rumania, but then what, this is a very complicated game.

Oh I'm sorry, I forgot not everyone plays "Diplomacy". Well you all SHOULD because it is EPIC.

Ok fine! I'm a nerd with nothing better to do with my time andnowI'mstartingtowriteinhugerunonswith nospacesbecauseofanemotioanlbreakdownbec auseI,I,*sobs*sobsstupidcat*sobs

Ok I'm done with my emotional problem 😛

If you decide to play, hurray.

Ok, that was fun. Now let's talk about something funnererererer.

Presidential elections are coming up relatively soon. Very interesting. I think I'm going to quit my formerly Communist party. Everyone has prejudices these days. There is no family value left. There must be stricter control over daily activities and what can be said. Everyone should listen to me too because it's for the greater good too and all.

Ok not really. There are some things I do believ need rights, and others that need control.

And why does everyone confuse communists and fascists? They actually accuse communists of fascist beliefs. Why? I dunno. I'm only 14! Why are you asking me?!?!?!?! HUH!?!?!?! Oh wait, you didn't ask. Well you should've.

So those are my 2 cents. DEAL WITH IT.

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No seriously...hope you enjoyed it(ooh you thought I was going to talk about Oberweis milk commercials...or actually subscribing to my paper. All one and the same.)


I have a lot of Gold now. I will probably start another subscribing fest soon. Have fun! And for those who subscribed because of my offer, tell your friends!