Kordak for President

Day 2,475, 16:14 Published in Ireland Netherlands by Kordak

Hey everyone!

This article is not what it looks like in the first place. I will not be running for President this month, because I think I am not long enough in eIreland yet to deserve the trust of all you people, but... this would have been my program if I was running for President this month 🙂 So I will write this article like I was going to run for President of eIreland.


There are some major problems in Ireland that I would tackle first. One of them is very recent: The danger of PTO! For everyone who doesn't know what that means let me explain. PTO stands for Political Take Over. When a group of people from for example eSerbia will apply to become citizens of eIreland and do that in large groups there will be a danger that they will take over our country. They do that by getting elected in congress so they could accept more of the citizen applications so the groups get larger and larger. In the end eIreland will be nothing more than a satellite state. So should we be worried about it? Yes we should, there is always the possibility this will happen to small communities. It happened before and we should watch out that we don't lose control over our own country. However we should not get the PTO paranoia thing started. Suspecting every citizenship request and denying people to join our wonderful community. I would create a Minister of Home Affairs who will checks every application one by one and also sends the one who wants to join a message with multiple questions.:

Profile Link:
Birth date:
Current citizenship:
Previous Citizenship:
Top Damage:
Motivation for joining:
Will you take part in politics?:
Will you join an Irish military unit?:

When someone gets accepted we should give them a warm welcome in our community. So the MoHA will write an article each week about the people that got accepted into eIreland with a interview! Also the MoHA will be responsible for contacting new players to keep them active and motivated.


I have seen people who wants war and I do agree with them. War would be fun for everyone and increase activity in the community. However I suggest a war which would support our alliance Aurora and I don't want it to be a relative failure like the last airstrikes in Asia were. We are ideal for air striking, but I will only allow that if we got full alliance support and be sure there is good communication between allied countries.


I believe in teamwork not just one President doing all the work. I will set weakly goals for each ministry and make sure everyone will do his or her work like a hard working, but fair manager. I believe in a small government, but will also offer training for new citizens who want to get experience. Getting a mix of all parties and qualities is really important for me.


Where are we in this game if we have no fun? It is a important to me that there will be many fun contests and also IRC and Forum meetings where special prices all given. We need to promote communication in our small community and set the example for future generations. Also working on a "ally of the week" idea where we will have a week of fights for that ally and a special article about our history and relationship. Improving relations with other countries would be one of the parts of this fun plan.

So let this please be a advise to the one that will win the Presidential elections! Also feel free to comment your opinion what you want to see changed 🙂 Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote for whoever you are choosing!
