Join the circle

Day 1,366, 22:09 Published in USA USA by Mike Ontry

It's fun!

I have come up with a plan. A plan to make the eWorld grow and to help you claim a little extra gold as well! It will be open to everyone and free of charge. It will require a little teamwork though. But if everyone who choses to participate does their part it should work out fairly well for everyone.

I'm talking about an invite link rotator that is open to everyone who will honestly participate. I will add your invite link to the rotation if you agree to post the link to the rotator where ever you can outside of eRepublik. At the moment i'm talking to an owner of a game site to see about getting the link added to his eRepublik page. You can add to forum signatures, facebook, twitter, google, local ad sites, and whatever else you can think of. The more people are sharing the rotator link the more people sign up with someone in the rotation.

Rotation is how the universe operates.

Sign Up
To sign up send me your referral link in a PRIVATE MESSAGE and then go share the rotator link. I will let you know when I add you to the rotator ASAP!
If this gets big i'm going to need some trustworthy volunteers to help me with sign ups. Be thinking about it!

Rotator Link
This is the link you share.

-Everyone submit link to GOOGLE, YAHOO, BING, STUMBLEUPON, and any other search engines or websites you use!
-When sharing the link try to mention that by signing up with you they can be a part of the circle and earn a little extra gold.
-When you do get someone signed up point them to this article so they can learn about the circle and join if they wish!
-Remember the admins already made banners:

Article wrote with eRepublik Tools