It's your turn comrades and friends

Day 772, 01:24 Published in Turkey Greece by Riggy

Dear comrades, socialists, humanists, eTurkish people,

As you can see from my past articles, me and my political party have always opposed this war.

We were against it even before it started.
Personally i' ve been pushing for better turkish-greek relations even from my early days in erep : [url] [/url]
We campained against the war and we made it the central position of the program of our candidate (Laos22) for presidential elections.
We were already campaining against it more than a month ago :
And we refused to fight to conquer eTurkey regions :

Today your state is attacking Central Greece. If central Greece is conquered, then our economy will be cripled and the rest of our country could easilly follow.

It’s not about losing some pixels on the map of a fictional world.

What we fear of losing is our right to play the game in our language. What we fear of losing is our political party, our community.

We’ve done our part, we refused to fight against you.

It’s your turn now. Don’t press the Central Greece button. Get your xp elsewhere on the globe.
