It's been a while folks. We got a lot of trifles to catch up with!

Day 544, 19:08 Published in USA Czech Republic by milestailsprower

Yes! Time for the comeback of awesome stupidity and lack of sense! Evryone needs some once in a while, even a guy like me who everyone at school thinks is a nerd and stuff.

Yessssssssssssssssssssssssirrrrrrrreeeee eeeeeeee it's going to be fun.

So tommorow I gotta be at school for 12 hours and stuff. Why you ask? Glad you did!

I'm to be presenting at a research symposium. Our school has a research class and now, I've finished my study and it will be dazzling, STUNNING, UTTERLY CRAZILY AWESOME! BECAUSE I HAVE TEH MOST AWESOME TOPIC EVER.

Chess. Make you smart through improving memory?

If anyone wants an awesome copy of my speech, e-mail me at

In other news, there was a civil war in Sri Lanka that has ended. Wait what? There was a war there? Why would there be some random war that lasts a quarter century that ends with the rebels EPIC FAILURIZING? I have no idea there was even a war there. (Currently am asking I-Lass teachers for help on what's going on and the history of the war.

Mmm...cheese........sounds like chess.......mmm.......chess.......i really COULD eat that.....

Woops. Had a moment.

Of course you all know I didn't and that I just put that in there to make it funny and ifyoudon'tbelieveimgoingtobeallupsetbeca useyouguysaremeanandwon'tbelievemeandand andwahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you guys know I'm not never to ever will not be insane? (What?)

I was playing Guitar Hero the other day and heard Nuvola E Lenzuola and that song simply kicks butt. Man its good.

Anyone who disagrees is simply a noob. And this is the part where my brother comes and smacks me for incorrectly using slan-- ow!

I was reading an article on really bad cars and it talked about a comedian who told a joke about KFC Famous Bowls, and in retrospect, it was so....*smirk*bwahahahahahahhaha!!!!!HAHA HAHHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!!!!!!ohnosi'm goingcrazyagain!!!!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! !!!!!ITWASSOFUNNY!!!!!!!!!!


Sorry. I'm just so excited. Over my research topic.

You know, I have a confession. I'm actually excited over my topic because just know it'll be so long and people will be FORCED to listen to it and they won't be able to leave because it'ssorudeiftheydidandiwwoud-- OW! stop that! All right bro'...

All I have to say is comas=really excellent! *hint hint

And now to rant about something totally random (ah, you thoguht I was going to say "and now, time for something completely different" because that's what i normally say, but i'm too cool for that. i'm so sneaky and you can't even tell what i'm going to write about because i am just like that. totally random and it's what makes my articles relatively funny because otherwise i wouldn't be able to think of anything to write about and such and such and such and man that would be boring as in "my first article" boring where my humor was so dry that people needed to dump water on their computer just to read it. yeah it was so super boring but my randomness is what makes it so awesome andcoolandyoucan't--ow!!! stop that! you have no control over my life! why don't you just leave me alone! yeah you BETTER run. sheesh. anyway, oh...)

Drat. I was going to rant about CHIPMUNKS. But now I can't. Rats.

Or can I...OW!!!!! GAH! LEAVE ME ALONE!



Anyway, I'm actually serious about the whole symposium thing. In fact there will be a news crew there and man I'm actually a bit nervous. So let me practice before I run out of time. cuall!!!


...all...just like the detergent...wonder what happened to it...