Irish Community

Day 2,899, 12:01 Published in Ireland Mexico by Lone Harry

Hello everyone , this article is different from all the other..This article may seem like a complain..My complain about the Irish Community!I am a member of this comminity for 3 months and a very active player(recently less active) . What bothers me is that there are many players in Ireland that double click only. Of course it's up to everyone to chose how much time he wants to spend but at my point of view there is nothing that our community offers so someone could spend more time in-game. It's not my purpose to make anyone lose his life in order to play this game , just if he/she wants to play the game , I would like to add another prospect to it. eRepublik has been a game with so little to do from each own (work and train , then fight) but we - the players - can make the game a lot more interesting.

Parties : We as Ireland have at the moment 9 parties! A huge number if you consider the active citizens of Ireland! At elections it appears that we have many voters (97.5 precisely if we calculate the latest President and Congress elections ) but those people activity lacks from the daily events. In 3 months playing this game I haven't seen a party writing an article about the upcoming (then ) elections whether it was congress or CP or PP . You may say that this is a waste of time as in such a small community everyone knows eachother - less or more- but it isn't like that exactly.More info later.

Military Units: There are not much to say here. The same kind of inactivity that exists in parties (there are exceptions) . The consequences of all will be presented later on , but as you can imagine Ireland as a country of the eWorld can not make steps to the military module.

Newspapers : My favorite module!As you know every since I started playing this game I was intrigued to create a newspaper. I did so and I am an active journalist.. The problem is that very few people do. Except my articles , MOD's and RTK's there are no more articles. I am sure that many of you have writing talent but you are afraid or hesitate to write an article... The sooner you realise that you are capable of writing just like everyone else who does it regurarely , the better for our community! If you are not talented in that , you will realise it. Also I am thinking of making a HOW TO NEWSPAPER article , in order to give you some advices and tricks , from my experience . I am not the best journalist in this game but I hopefully can help you.

The Consequences : The whole point of writing this article is to make clear what consequences the above have. First of all the gameplay for the eIrish becomes boring. That is our biggest problem. If someone is bored then the creativity and inspiration is gone. Second , we can't approach players who want to change their citizenship and meet - play in another country. We are a peaceful country but if there is nothing more interesting here, why should someone choose us? Only double clickers will do.

My Actions :

There is nothing you can change, if you don't change yourself first. I will keep writing articles as often as I can and I will run for president of the ILP . Also as a congressman I will be active in any congress related things. Now it's your turn to change!