Interview #3: Rob the Bruce, Former UKPP President

Day 2,430, 18:53 Published in United Kingdom Poland by Lanthanide

Rob the Bruce's answer to #1 was censored.

1. Who are you? Tell us about yourself.
2. What is your fondest memory of the New World?
3. What do you think of the UKPP right now?
1. Who am I? I'm Rob the Bruce, the random dude that got his first PP term with a picture of a kitten and the promise that "If I win you won't get the other guy". I'm just a b****y congressman nowadays, I don't have any real "proper" roles. I write poorly formatted articles sometimes... /me shrugs

2. WookieO's Country President term in general, beautiful time.

3. I'm not in UKPP at the moment, so I'm not really the best person to ask, from what I can tell though it's not the same UKPP as the one I was PP of.

My scores:

Answer #1: 4/10. The answer really doesn't provide much background that we don't already know, and it includes profanity.
Answer #2: 6/10. If he expounded upon it, it could become a 10.
Answer #3: 6/10. It's a so-so answer for a person who hasn't been in the UKPP for awhile.

Total: 16/30 or 26.6%.

Your votes make up the other half. 20 votes = 50%. Extra credit can be awarded. Each vote counts for 2.5%.