I international MISS eEGYPT - 2014

Day 2,303, 16:19 Published in Egypt Egypt by National Bank of Egypt

I international MISS eEGYPT 2014

Una vegada mes, el Ministeri de Comunicacions amb colaboraciò del Ministeri de Cultura, porten a eEgipte els festivals mes innovadors i sugerents d’ eR.

En aquesta ocasió, la proposta es molt clara: presenteu la vostre candidata a Miss eEgypt. Volem saber qui son les mes guapes i els representants dels guanyadors s’ enduran el premi que us hem preparat per la ocasió.

Once again, the Ministry of Communications with collaboration of Ministry of Culture, lead to eEgypt most innovative and evocative festivals of eR.

This time, the proposal is very clear: present your candidate for Miss eEgypt. We want to know who are the most handsome / pretty and representatives of the winners snatch the prize we have prepared for the occasion.

Com participar: / How to participate:

1- Busqueu la foto de la noia que mes us agradi estéticament.

2- Podeu presentar només una candidata.

3- No poseu fotos marranes: procureu que siguin maques i de bon gust 😉 preferiblement frontals i de cos sencer. Vigileu que no es vegin els mugrons ni coses “pitjors” que si no Plató em fotrá a la presó i a vosaltres també 😉

4- Obriu un comentari i poseu l’ enllaç a la foto, per exemple: http://media2.wptv.com//photo/2012/12/20/Miss_Universe_Pageant_2012_20121220091442_640_480.JPG

5- Comenteu alguna cosa sobre la vostre candidata. Poseu a qui representa, per exemple: “Miss Mataró”, “Miss Reus”, “Miss Xàtiva”, “Miss Andorra”, etc...

6- Pot participar tothom, es un concurs internacional

7- Voteu als vostres contrincants generosament.

1 - Look for the photo of the girl you like aesthetically.

2 - You can only submit one candidate girl.

3 - Do not put obscene photos: try to be nice and tasteful😉 preferably front and full length. Monitor not see nipples or anything "worse" if not Plato put me in prison and you too 😉

4 - Open a comment and put the link in the photo, for example http://media2.wptv.com//photo/2012/12/20/Miss_Universe_Pageant_2012_20121220091442_640_480.JPG

5 - Discuss anything about your candidate. Put it represents, for example: "Miss Alexandria," "Miss Cairo," "Miss Jordania," "Miss Palestina", etc...

6 - everyone can participate, is an international competition

7 - Vote generously to your opponents.

Qui guanya: / Who wins:

1- Tothom pot votar a totes les candidates, però només serà valid un vot per persona i candidata

2- Puntueu de 0 a 10 points. Les fraccions son valides.

3- El concurs comença ara i acabarà el dia 14 a les 11.59h quan ja no s’acceptará cap concursant mes.

4- A partir d’ aquest moment, faré el recompte de vots i ho publicaré als comentaris. Sabrem llavors qui es Miss eEgypt 2014.

5- Tots els participants rebran un obsequi de l’ organització

6- El representant de Miss eEgypt rebrá 1 gold de premi i 1 ticket de viatge Q5 per volar a eBrasil a disfrutar del Carnaval. A mes, sortira (la Miss) en una publicació en exclusiva al prestigiòs magazine eEgípci “All i Oli leaks”.

1 - Everyone can vote for all candidates, but only will be valid one vote per person and candidate

2 - Rate of 0 to 10 points. Fractions are valid.

3 - The contest starts now and will end the day 14 at 11.59h when does not accept any contestant.

4 - From this moment I will count the votes and publish it in the comments. Then we will know who Miss eEgypt 2014.

5 - All participants will receive a gift from the organization

6 - Representative of Miss eEgypt receive 1 gold award and 1 travel ticket Q5 to fly eBrasil enjoy Carnival. In addition, it will (Miss) in a publication in the prestigious magazine exclusive eEgyptian "All i oli leaks."

L’ important es participar i si guanyes… molt millor! / The important thing is to participate. Win ... a lot better!