Hey Plato!!!

Day 2,141, 13:59 Published in Serbia Serbia by Van Sebe
Special edition of
eUtopia. Read all about it!

If you haven’t noticed yet, you are losing players on daily basis… Why? Well, let me think… Oh yeah, the game is BORING! You want more money? Do something about it! And don’t try to do it with more missions “kill xyz enemies” or “regain zyx well”…

I’m no expert and for sure I’m not developer of this game, but in 15-20 minutes of thinking about this issue I had few good/bad ideas… Anyhow more than you did in a year…

Take the battle to the seas… Divide all the oceans and seas in fields and introduce new military units: Battleship, Submarine & Mobile unit transporter (non combat)… These units shall move on fields and two units can’t occupy same space.

Each country could have limited number of units – you develop the formula (base on number of regions, citizens, etc) but should be between 1 and 3 units – not more. Command should be given to CP or MOD.

Every unit should have limited movement per day, i.e. Battleship 4 fields, Submarine 3 fields & Mobile unit transporter 5 fields… In the same day they can’t move and fight. When they fight in each mini battle CP is giving order when to fight.

Now, I was thinking about your cash flow too, don’t worry…

To create a unit, country needs some/large amount of ….. (Plato, feel free to fill in)...
For fire power, battleship and submarines have to be filled with xyz amount of WRM in order to provide zyx amount of damage. Once damage is exhausted, they need to return to the port to be refilled.

For movement, battleship, submarine and Mobile unit transporter have to be filled with xyz amount of food raw material in order to move xy number of fields. If not returned to the port on time, unit is “lost at sea”…

Mobile unit transporter could be given to any MU with certain number of players. Certain number of soldiers can board this unit. Once they are aboard, they can’t fight in battles or work. Once near the enemy territory, they can perform landing. When they do, only soldiers in attacked region can fight in every 4th mini battle and/or until attacker calls for reinforcements. Once they do, it becomes MPP battle.

Submarines – to stop Mobile unit transporters and battleships…

Introduce hospitals, again one per country to be deployed in one region for certain amount in gold. Fill it with food raw material to certain amount and it can provide well to the players 2xFF (once empty, hospital is destroyed). And when you need more money, introduce discount for xz gold to temporary upgrade to 3xFF, 5xFF… you are good at that… If the region is lost, hospital is in possession of the attacker, and new one can’t be built by the defender until this one is empty or region is free. If attacker wins, they al move to that territory, if they lose or ship is sunk, they return to original territory.

As you see these are JUST IDEAS, not developed… These will increase the demand for WRM and food raw material, bring back strategy on basic levels and increase the need for team play…

But for sure there are ways to do something to make us think again while we play this… game…

So, do something about it!

p.s. It took me more to type it than to think of it…
Hey Plato!!!

Until next reading and beyond, Van Sebe