Hey, I have an Announcement to Make

Day 983, 09:06 Published in Canada Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins

After much thought I have decided I will run for PP of the CPF in the next race.

There has been some difficulties for us lately, but sticking in there to overcome them shows we are commited, strong and we'll not roll over in the face of troubles. A good position for any Canadian to be proud of.

When I was first asked to run I had many different thoughts come to me, but as I debated with myself over the past couple days, and mentioned them on a couple occasions, the support to go ahead with it was impressive. Addy also said something that really stuck though, competition is the driving force the makes a person work hard to succeed, not his exact words but it was the message and I think he mentioned it as being one of Tyler's mottos.

So the important part, WHY ME?

Stability, Commitment, Co-operation
I'm sure everyone in the CPF has seen some of the time and work I've put in during the last month. I've worked with others, I ask and take advice from others and even though I may not always agree with another person, I don't hold grudges.
Besides we don't want Addy falling asleep at the wheel now do we?

Thank you for reading.