Hello, from April's Minister of New Citizens (Peter Lyons)

Day 1,234, 18:38 Published in Ireland Ireland by Irish Citizens Ministry
Hello citizens of Ireland!

Tuesday’s election was insane! It was neck and neck all the way through, with Marcus barely pulling ahead and winning by 3 votes. Both candidates had a lot to offer so it makes sense that the race was so close. But Marcus is a hard-working man, and his hard work was rewarded. Anyway, seeing as Marcus is our new president, I believe we can expect to see a great deal of change in the way things are run. And with the change in president comes the change in cabinet (usually). And so, let me introduce myself to you as your new Minister of New Citizens:

My name is Peter Lyons. Some of you may know me; some of you may not. You can read about me in my newspaper “Lyon Times”. In my first article I wrote a bit about me in eRepublik and in RL. I haven’t been around too long (only about 2 months), but through what I believe to be hard work I am where I am today.

But enough about me, I am here for all of you new citizens out there. It is my job as Minister of New Citizens to help you out the best I can. I will answer your questions to the best of my ability, if I can’t answer the question for you, then I’ll find someone who can. I understand how hard it can be to get your feet on the ground as you are just starting out. You look for help and you ask people questions but you always seem to be ignored or deferred to someone else. I’ve only been around for 2 months so believe me, I remember what it is like to be a new citizen. But in order to grow as a nation I believe that we need to foster the growth of new citizens. And so, to make that easier on you, I basically want to be your go-to guy for anything you need help with. All you need to do is send me a PM or contact me on IRC (I’m on most nights).

Peter Lyons – MoNC