Day 1,897, 06:43 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by M E N A N

tuh dah bener gw nulisnya. gw harap gak ada lagi alasan buat ngga ngejawab pertanyaan gw.

pertanyaan gw sih simple aja. menurut kalian. kalian yang dulu dengan lantang berteriak "BARU JUGA SEMINGU UDAH DI KRITIK" kalian yang dengan PEDE bilang "biarkan def0 bekerja, track record nya selama ini bagus"

boleh gak gw nanya penilaian kalian terhadap kinerja presiden yang kalian usung dan dengan cueknya mencalonkan dia lagi jadi pres? atas dasar apa? masih belom puas menghancurkan eNegara ini?

gw sunguh sangat penasaran dari sudut pandang kalian apa sih prestasi def0?

apa warbar yang cuma 6 orang itu? itu prestasi?
sori loh ya buat TNeI, tapi masuk akal sih kalau indonesia gak dianggap di aliansi, kalo MU nasional cuma bisa hasilin damage seuprit setengahnya bg disni hahahaha (apapun pembelaannya yang gw lihat di FR warbar TNeI emang seperti itu kenyataannya. gak lebih gak kurang)

apa kualitas MoFA yang kaya gini disebut prestasi?
kalo MoFA kaya gitu sih gak heran di kadalin mulu pas nego hehehehe

apa ngga berbuat apa apa itu juga termasuk prestasi?

sekali lagi gw cuma nanya buat FRONTAL, apa bisa kalian membuktikan bualan kalian itu?

atau pendapat beberapa orang dibawah ini memang sudah pas utuk def0?

Dvipa Nusantara
Indonesia worst deaf President also not so smart ever and nominated as the first candidate in Wall of Shame. He came from you know what party.... Case you don't know the party, scroll again and you may get lucky to find which party that got their endorsed President impeached in so many times.
And what makes him so special? He managed to escape impeach at his period, either using a very powerful power or you know who power.

Currently the cheapest former eIndonesian President that ever elected. Thee was very infamous to both the eIndo citizens and International affair at that time, for creating several public blunders. The most famous is "Joke of the day button" or the first impeachment that he still couldn't explain it why until today. He has survived impeachment three times due to incapability of holding Presidential title and disgracing himself with transparency and shoddy management issue, yet he has survived until the last day of presidency.

President who just want to get the medal, but doing nothing!!!

Diego Tugiyo
The President who do nothing
But still managed to escape from three time impeachment attempt

One of most embarrassing president of Indonesia who had survived impeachment 3 times

The president who survived 3 times "joke of the day" button, do nothing.

nb. hehehe udah sukur gw bikin artikel yang gambar doang, malah di RA ya udah gw tulis panjang-panjang nih hehehehe