Day 2,308, 13:57 Published in Poland Cuba by Peoncito

Saludos mis lectores.
Primero quiero dejar claro que he usado una captura de pantalla obtenida de un artículo publicado en España por el compañero CAPULLOMAN30
(pulsa sobre la imagen si quieres acceder al mismo)

Greetings my readers.
First let me make clear that I used a screenshot taken from a paper published in Spain by CAPULLOMAN30
(click on the image if you want to access it)



The Galicians are about 70% of the Spanish population in Argentina. The city with the second largest number of Galician population of the world is Buenos Aires, where immigration from Galicia was so significant that at present all Spanish immigrants, regardless of origin, are often referred to as Galician. This term has sometimes had a derogatory meaning, referring to Galician as an individual unenlightened, greedy and distrustful. Without a doubt, Argentina is the country of the world outside Spain with more Galician presence.

Hagamos un poco de Historia....

La llegada de emigrantes españoles a Argentina, tuvo lugar en dos períodos, un primero anterior a la independencia argentina de España y un segundo periodo desde finales del siglo XIX hasta la primera mitad del siglo XX.
Esos emigrantes tuvieron hijos, nietos, bisnietos.... que ahora son Argentinos.

Bien, con estos datos ahora explicare mis conclusiones tomando como base

el artículo del compañero CAPULLOMAN30

Según se ve en la captura de arriba, los argentinos se han referido siempre hacia los españoles como "gallegos".
Además cuando se refieren a los "gallegos" es en tono despectivo (individuos de pocas luces, avaros y desconfiados).
Pues bien, si los "gallegos" son individuos de pocas luces, avaros y desconfiados, y en argentina hay muchos descendientes de "gallegos",
¿esto quiere decir también que los argentinos son son individuos de pocas luces, avaros y desconfiados?

Let's do a little history ....

The arrival of Spanish emigrants in Argentina, took place in two periods, a first one before Argentina's independence from Spain and a second period from the late nineteenth century until the first half of the twentieth century.
These emigrants had children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren are now .... Argentines.

Well, with this data now I explain my conclusions based on the companion CAPULLOMAN30 article.

As seen in the screenshot above, the Argentines have always referred to the Spanish as "Galician".
Furthermore when referring to the "Galician" is like scornfully (individuals unenlightened, greedy and distrustful).
Well, if the "Galician" are individuals unenlightened, greedy and distrustful, and in Argentina there are many descendants of "Galician"...
Does this also means that Argentines individuals are unenlightened, greedy and distrustful?