Guide for managers

Day 716, 02:36 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Auggustus

The following is a guide for managers of state companies. It gives the basic outline on the wages and an outline of messages that can be sent to workers with regards to wellness.

Wages according to the CAO

To encourage worker to work harder on wellness we pay different salaries according to wellness. The following is the current salaries giver to state employees.

For skills below 70:
Skill 0 and 1 = 4 Nlg
Skill 2= 5 Nlg
Skill 3 = 6 Nlg
than all skills * 2 NLG (but also after the digit so skill 3.5 will be 7 NLG minimum)

Wellness of 70
Skill 2 above 70 wellness 7 NLG
Skill above 70 wellness 8 NLG

Wellness of 90
Skill 2 above 90 wellness 8 NLG
Skill 3 above 90 wellness 9 NLG

Welcome message (new players)

Beginners guide

Hey there!
First of all a warm welcome in eRepublik and our company.

Since you just starting out as a player I suggest that you read this guide and follow the instructions. This will help you understand the game better and get you a high wellness. Please also take into account that a high wellness is used as a basis for higher wages in the long term.

I would also recommend to visit this forum and sign up, you will get a bonus of 20NLG from our government if you do.

Now, you applied for the job and got it. But that isn't enough. As in real life, you will have to work at the company every day to earn money. You do this by clicking 'my places' > 'Company' and on that page the button 'work'. If you work 30 days in a row you will earn the 'hard workers medal'.

It would be wise to specialize yourself in only 1 working skill, you will see that it will result in a higher wage. This is a state owned company and especially designed for new players to start up. Once your skill rises there might be jobs in the private sector available, usually with better wages, so I suggest you survey the job market regularly.

I hope you will enjoy your stay in this country and the company. And if you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

State Manager

Wellness under 40

Wellness notice

I noticed that your wellness is below 40. This is not good! I recommend trying to buy Q2 food or better. Once your wellness is 40 you will be able to fight. If you raise your wellness high enough you will be able to fight and raise your wellness faster! Also this will give you more experience points as well as a higher salary. If you have any questions or need help feel free to contact me.
Also I suggest that you read the following guide on wellness:

State Manager

Wellness between 40 - 70

Wellness Reminder


At the moment you wellness is below 90. Please increase your wellness to above 90. Wellness affects your productivity a lot and 90 is therefore the companies bottomline. Because of that we make your wages dependable on your wellness. So if you want to keep earning the same please raise your wellness.
If you don't know how to raise wellness please read the following wiki.
If you have any questions about how to raise you wellness or other concerns, feel free ask.
State Manager

Wellness between 70 and under 90

Raise your wellness above 90 please


You haven't raised you wellness above 90 since I asked you. Raise your wellness and your salary will raise. If you get your wellness above 90 you will earn 9 NLG.

Wellness affects your productivity and the amount of times you can fight each day. Also when you move on to better jobs employers will demand a high productivity. Higher productivity means a higher salary. Because of that we make your wages dependable on your wellness. So if you want to earn more, than raise your wellness. Also when you are above a skill of 3 and a wellness above 90, I would suggest looking for a better job because they usually pay better than us. (We are a government training company after all)
If you don't know how to raise wellness read the following wiki.

State Manager

Fired because of other job possibilities

Fired because of other job possibilities

We fired you. We are a state owned training facility, when there are jobs open in the private sector we fire people so these jobs will done.
A better job in payment you find here:
If there is no other job available, you will see there our company again and you can take your job back.
I hope you will find a good working place.
Best regards

State Manager

PS: You will not lose any days of your hard working medal days as long as you work each day (and 30 in a row). Switching jobs is no problem.


Note These are messages I compiled. Much credit should also go to IlPadrino and Cocoamok as they are the original writers of the messages.