Greek Border

Day 3,087, 22:43 Published in Greece Greece by Akastus
Greece vs Turkey?

Many greek citizens are discussing about expanding.
There had been already different ideas, but one they all have in common.
Most whould like to fight for Marmara in Turkey, to get it in greek territory.
Istanbul/Konstantinopel was ones greek and should be greek again.

Different questions come up -

Will greece be tough enough to start a battle to get the holy city of konstantinopel back to greece?

When yes who will start the battle or which unit?

Turkey in real

In real live turkey does still what ever they want, Germany and the EU are so stupid by offering everything what turkey wants.

The french newspaper Charlie Hebdo wrote a new paper.
On the cover you can see how Merkel gets fucked by Erdogan.
Lets wait on the reaction from him.
Erdogan thinks he is the king from turkey and europe, so lets see how long it will take until russia will interact.

Thank you for reading

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