Greater Israel Party and eIDF Navy reborn.

Day 2,711, 02:16 Published in Israel Israel by CreepyRazor

So we are heading towards congress elections again. It is at this point where parties make all sorts of promises, which they rarely keep. It is during this period where they start throwing mud and start rumors about their opponents.

I will do none of those, I will do none of those. I will just wish our opponents good luck and I hope they do well.

Then why should you vote for us? Because we don't make promises we cannot keep. We put Israel first and work towards improving it with everything in our power.
Our goal is a better economy, strong military and an even stronger Israel.

We want you to vote for us based on our track record and not our promises.

eIDF - rebuilding

I just joined the MU and will help to re-organize it and get a supply system going. Keep an eye on this spot if you are interested in getting supplies from us.

Also, I'm too damn lazy to make a new avatar for the new MU. Design me an eIDF Navy avatar and I will pay 5g to the best one on day 2715