Gormley Investigates

Day 1,066, 16:30 Published in Ireland Ireland by John Gormley

"The Times They Are a-Changin" - I think everyone is well aware of this iconic Bob Dylan song. Well this maxim is certainly very apt for the e-world we live in nowadays. The admins have become chronic tinkerers and citizens are getting fed up with the direction this once magnificent game is taking.
People are leaving eRepublik in their droves due to their deep dissatisfaction with the current level of management of the game and no doubt this is a worrying sign for the game's future.

However, having reflected on this situation for some time, I found myself getting puzzled by one small but significant thing. What was getting me so perplexed was a strange contrast between admin behaviour in V1 compared to the corresponding admin behaviour since V2 was inaugurated.
There have always been regular game changes since but it is my observation that before V2 the changes were relatively seamless in their execution and public reaction was invariably okay. Now it is very much the opposite.

But what can explain this strange transformation? Why were the admins so good at changes before but now are so bad? Well, it's my opinion that one fundamental change is at the heart of this.
I racked my brain to try to think of a negative change made by the admins close to the release of V2, a change that had a very adverse effect on all other changes thereafter...

Suddenly, I thought of something that matches that description perfectly. I remember seeing this video around June of this year, shortly before the release of "Rising". The timing of the opening of the new eRepublik office surely could not just be coincidental. Without doubt it must be the major stimulus for the perceived malaise sweeping through eRepublik over the past 4 months or so.

Now, you're probably wondering how the hell a mere office could possibly bring about such an awful scenario. Well, I happen to have an answer for that one too. The office is haunted!!!
This might seem like a very silly conclusion to make but, think about it, it explains everything - why the game itself is a mess at the moment, why the admins rarely answer tickets sufficiently and why their general behaviour is so unpredictable.

So, to fix eRepublik the admins must either move to another new office which isn't haunted or...

So that concludes the first (and probably last) edition of Gormley Investigates. But if you want anything strange looked into, ring Gormley P.I. at 314 999666 or preferably, if you actually want me to get the message send me a PM.

John Gormley P.I.
"Like Magnum but without the moustache...and actually nothing like him"