Good Evening ladies and gentlemen.... *Update*

Day 1,346, 10:43 Published in Ireland Canada by Thomas Arashikage
Chance Harrison here. Your current Country President.

First off I'd like to start by apologizing to all of you for not getting to you sooner. My last article was my brief acceptance article. I believe I have however, been transparent in other forms of media such as IRC and ingame PMs. As I said in my campaign article, my door is always open. If anyone had or has any questions they're free to contact me.

Now on to the good stuff. Just days ago we had this minus Northern Ireland.

Now we have just Shannon and soon Wexford. Our battle with the UK is constant and IMO down right boring at this point. That's why our wunderkind Seanan and his padawan learner Chew-Chew-Shoe have advised the government to propose Poland as our NE. Prior to this we have gotten MPPs with Romania, Bulgaria, the USA, Germany and Greece. I will be proposing an extension with our Band of Brothers from Croatia shortly and look to extend relations with Finland, Ukraine, Italy, Russia and Argentina.

Our Economy is getting better. Slowly but surely but it's still not nearly what it could be. Right now roughly 500 IEP buys one gold. It will get better. Once our war with the UK is over we shall begin to prosper once more. We enjoyed some nice bonuses while we had our land back if only for a brief time.

We still have a small nation and our population isn't where I'd like to see it. Without regions we can't have immigrants so getting us back on the map is vital. Having at least one region as we do now is highly important to many facets of what goes on and it makes my heart soar that we have such great friends and allies that love Ireland so much.

If you didn't know....

We have a Dáil Éireann!

It's not as big as it could be but we have one. Last month we unfortunately weren't able to secure one through our own mistake and clever timing by the Brits. Already now our TDs have proposed laws and have granted citizenships to worthy friends and citizens.

I believe I have done the best that I could do without the Dáil present and acted in the best interests of our great nation. That being said...


This should come as no surprise....

I'm running for Country President once again!

My Cabinet:

Vice Taoiseach Marcus Suridius
Ministry of Defense Seanan and D-Glennon
Deputy Ministers Patrick O'Leary and Chew-Chew-Shoe
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Fear Malice
Deputy Ministers xNosferatux and JohnSmith 2K9
Ministry of Finance Sweet Drinker
Deputy Ministers Bhane and Ian Coleman
Governor of the New Ireland Bank Sweet Drinker
Ministry of Information Ian E Coleman
Ministry of Immigration Irish Rebel Reborn
Ministry of Community James Keiller and Anthony Colby
Deputy Minister Mike Bane
Ministry of New Citizens Sean Power


Respectfully Yours,

As always a pint for the lads and lasses!