GMO Mitovi i istine / GMO Myths and Truths [Ser/Eng]

Day 2,298, 03:01 Published in Serbia Serbia by Takimanija
Genetički modifikovani (GM) usevi su promovisani na osnovi niza dalekosežnih zahteva od strane GM industrije i njenih pristalica. Oni kažu da GM usevi predstavljaju :
• Normalni produžetak i da ne predstavljaju opasnost od prirodno uzgajanih biljaka.
• Da ih je bezbedno jest ii da mogu biti hranljiviji od prirodno uzgajanih useva.
• Da su strogo regulisani za bezbednost
• Da sa njima imamo povećane prinose
• Smanjuju potrebu za upotrebom pesticida
• Olakšavaju život farmerima i čine njihove poslove lakšim
• Donose ekonomsku korist
• Doprinose prirodnom okruženju
• Da pomoću njih rešavamo problem promene klime
• Smanjuju upotrebu energije
• Da će generalno pomoći svetu.

Međutim veliko i svakim danom rastuće naučno i dokazima bazirano istraživanje, pokazuje da ove tvrdnje nisu tačne.
• Da laboratorijski napravnjene , koristeći tehnologiju sasvim drugačiju od prirodnog uzgajanja, predstavljaju ogroman rizik za razliku od prirodnih useva .Are laboratory-made, using technology that is totally different from natural breeding methods, and pose different risks from non-GM crops
• Da mogu biti toksični, ponašati se alergeno i da su manje hranljivi od njihovi prirodnih pandana.
• Da nisu adekvatno regulisani za bezbednu upotrebu.
• Ne povećavaju potencijal prinosa
• Da zahvevaju povećanju količinu pesticide.
• Stvaraju serije problema za farmere , ukčkučujući herbicid tolerantne herbicide tzv “supertrave”, ugrožavaju kvalitet zemljišta i povećavaju šansu i osetljivost za oboljenja među usevima. Have mixed economic effects
• Narušavaju kvalitet zemljišta , remete ekosistem i smanjuju biodiverzitet
• I da ne pružaju efektivna rešenja za klimatske promene
• Da su energetski zahtevni kao i ostali hemijski stvoreni usevi Are as energy-hungry as any other chemically-farmed crops
• Da ne mogu rešiti problem svetske gladi nego samo odvući pažnju od pravih uzroka – siromaštva, nedostatka hrane , i sve većeg problema nedostatka zemlje gde bi se moglo uzgajati usevi
Na osnovu dokaza izvedenih u ovom izveštaju, nema potrebe reskirati sa GM usevima, kada održiva rešenja u zamenu za ona koja nam nudi GM već postoje. CPB (Conventional plan breeding) je u mnogim slučajevima pomogao pri izboru koristeći modern tehnologija mapiranja gena i markera za pravilan izbor daleko nadmašuje GM useve u visokom prinosu, tolerantnosti na sušu , pesticide i bolesti.
Lični momenat autora:
Razumljivo je da čovek uvek treba da bude blago skeptičan prema novim stvarim i ne treba ništa prihvatati zdravo za gotovo samo zato što je novo, ali ne smemo ni tek tako odbaciti budućnost ovih tehnologija. Onog trenutka kada shvatima da gotovo sve namirnice koje jedemo počevši od pšenice, paradajza, kikirikija..predstavljaju ništa drugo nego u jednom trenutku genetski modifikovane proizvode (poliploidije, vidi udžbenik za 7,8 razred osnovne), nije isključeno da nam i ove i slične tehnologije neće doneti nešto dobro jednog dana. Jednostavno u ovom trenutku smo više u mraku, tako da je svaki rizk nepotreban.
Evo uz tekst i prilog GM namirnica koje trenutno možete da pazarite u Srbiji.

English version :

GMO Myths and Truths

Genetically modified (GM) crops are promoted on the basis of a range of far-reaching claims from the GM crop industry and its supporters. They say that GM crops:

Are an extension of natural breeding and do not pose different risks from naturally bred crops
-Are safe to eat and can be more nutritious than naturally bred crops
-Are strictly regulated for safety
-Increase crop yields
-Reduce pesticide use
-Benefit farmers and make their lives easier
-Bring economic benefits
-Benefit the environment
-Can help solve problems caused by climate change
-Reduce energy use
-Will help feed the world.

However, a large and growing body of scientific and other authoritative evidence shows that these claims are not true. On the contrary, evidence presented in this report indicates that GM crops:

-Are laboratory-made, using technology that is totally different from natural breeding methods, and pose different risks from non-GM crops
-Can be toxic, allergenic or less nutritious than their natural counterparts
-Are not adequately regulated to ensure safety
-Do not increase yield potential
-Do not reduce pesticide use but increase it
-Create serious problems for farmers, including herbicide-tolerant “superweeds”, compromised soil quality, and increased disease susceptibility in crops
-Have mixed economic effects
-Harm soil quality, disrupt ecosystems, and reduce biodiversity
-Do not offer effective solutions to climate change
-Are as energy-hungry as any other chemically-farmed crops
-Cannot solve the problem of world hunger but distract from its real causes – poverty, lack of access to food and, increasingly, lack of access to land to grow it on.

Based on the evidence presented in this report, there is no need to take risks with GM crops when effective, readily available, and sustainable solutions to the problems that GM technology is claimed to address already exist. Conventional plant breeding, in some cases helped by safe modern technologies like gene mapping and marker assisted selection, continues to outperform GM in producing high-yield, drought-tolerant, and pest- and disease-resistant crops that can meet our present and future food needs.
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