GIPHY tournament!!!

Day 2,975, 15:04 Published in Romania Romania by ubralo me
hello friends

hello my Georgian and Romanian friends. I want to make tournament of the best giphy ever. okey i write giphys by alphabet and u must numbered they.

Example: 1-c 2-a 3-e and etc...

okey let's start.

A )
B )
C )[img][/img]
D )
E )
F )
G )
H )
I )
J )
K )
L )
M )
N )
O )
P )
Q )[img][/img]
S )

that was all. keep calm and be happy 😃 write comment and choose which should be first. it's funny and get Participation in the tournament.

u must choose 5 best giphy and write in comment :3

that was all.
best wishes your ubralo me