FPR 10/10/2014

Day 2,516, 12:48 Published in USA USA by dk3dknight

[BRRRRAAAAIIIIIIIINNNNNNSSS! We welcome you to the Issue 93 of the fedPress, we here at the media department hope you enjoy it, so strap in and get ready for some Brains!!!! and fun and games, when we can be bothered... again... again...?]

The search for the cure.

With the cure in hand our top scientists mixed the five ingredients together... we are saved... for now...

What have we learned what have we lost who knows, WookyJack is safe and that... that is all that matters.

Now don't get me wrong this was a hard search I know many of you were frustrated but the thing about something that is hard... that sweet feeling of what a accomplishment this was...

The saviors are found the party is safe... the eUSA is safe.... the eWorld is safe for now... Thanks to your contributions.

We still have worries about mutations... so if you feel it is mutating contact your local fed officer as soon as possible.

For now the virus is defeated, proving once and for all that the party stands united.

Our thanks to all that searched for the saviors and special thanks to aceviper and slybabymichele without there hard works all would have been lost.

For our next segment I sat down with Country President Tyler_B who
talked with me about everything going on and his future plans.

dk3dknight:: Hey Tyler I think everyone wants to know what's it like to sit in the big chair?

Tyler_B: it's a lot of tasks the Cabinet does a lot of work but I have the privilege of making the final call and directing the agenda

dk3dknight:: Talking about tasks what did you find the most challenging?

Tyler_B: probably covering everything, in the past I was critical of Presidents that didn't publish much I understand why it can fall by the wayside now.

dk3dknight:: How do you feel the direction of the country is going?

Tyler_B: On the whole things are going well. The activity level has been dropping for months and we've fought hard to counteract that. The results have been mixed.

dk3dknight:: What lessons did you learn from your first presidency that helped you during your second term?

Tyler_B: Pull the trigger faster. I have replaced more than half of my cabinet now in order tospur activity. It has worked really well. In hindsight I should have sooner. I appreciate the original people I had in my cabinet being willing to serve but rl commitments were a bit much for some of them.

dk3dknight:: As it is for all...

dk3dknight:: What lessons did you learn when you were party president that you felt prepared your for country presidency?

Tyler_B: Probably the ability to multi task, hire good people and let them do their work while also providing oversight. As ultimately the buck stops here.

dk3dknight:: Do you believe what worked in the past still works or do you feel the future is calling for changes even dynamic changes across the board, or some variation?

Tyler_B: there's no need to throw the baby out with the bathwater, but the old guard of players is fading and we need new blood to step up and in. We can do a better job of making that happen.

dk3dknight:: What do you think we could do to do a better job of making that happen?

Tyler_B: That's the question isn't it? In some ways we've begun the process of parties getting new players into leadership and Congress. I have also made it known I want new players willing to join the executive. I have a couple of first time Secretaries and will be adding another in the next day or two.

dk3dknight:: It sounds like the sounds of progress.

dk3dknight:: Is there anything that you would like to add? (1 more question after this)

Tyler_B: Last month was a bit rocky on the domestic front, but we are ready to do great things this month.

dk3dknight:: Now I waited to ask this in the end... many readers are curious is there a eArea51 and are there eAliens there?

Tyler_B: that's classified…

dk3dknight:: darn it...

Tyler_B: I'm sorry, but remember the truth is out there…

dk3dknight:: Tyler we here at the fedPress thank you for joining us and giving us insight to the going ons of eUSA's Executive Branch Very Happy

Tyler_B: It was my pleasure!

by dk3dknight

Well feds NFLB has seen the good times the bad times
and everything just in between.

I am currently acting as NFLB deputy and we are making
some changes to the program.

We are rolling these out as we feel the times are a changing.

First the form has taken a bit of appearance changes to make
it a bit more friendly and less boring... we hope yall enjoy that.

Second if there is no mission for that day, everyone gets double
supplies, feds get 50q7 food and 6q7 guns and nonfeds get
30q7 food. If there is a mission it will be on the form itself, this
way no confusion or extra sites to click on.

My goal is to make those supplys normal and use the missions to
give different kind of reward but more on that as it is more solidified.

Third I discovered whalefare rejects users from the other top 5
parties... Well I can assure you we don't reject you because your
not in our party we pay supplies to all eUSA citizens don't believe
us request supplies.


So need a hand, let us help with the NFLB we got yer' back covered.

by: ScottCoyleSr

After a lengthy discussion on who is responsible for this honorable task, dk3dknight and I are proud to bring you a special Fun & Media Departments collaboration. The return of ...
Monthly Fed Awards Ceremony for Those Whom Are Deserving Recognition

When I came to the Federalist Party after my rebirth in the New World I found it very enlightening and nice to see those fed's worked so hard that month got a special recognition for their hard work. Sadly we haven't done this for a couple of months and I am here to re-institute it as my final act as a Director as I move into the new role of Deputy of Fun under the Director of Retention.
To make this re-launch even more special we sat down and created a list of just about every way we can recognize the party members and spent time creating really awesome graphics to make them feel that much more special. The categories are:

[Editor Note🙂 Scott Included pictures of the individual awards but I cut them out
for space conservation.

Fed of Gold - Legendary Fed who's presence shoots out awesome sauce
Baby Fed of Gold - The most likely to be famous new comer
Workaholic Fed - Who has put in the most hours
Charismatic Fed - The one you could listen to all day
Nicest Fed - Who is the most helpful and kind
Smartest Fed - The brainiest of all the Feds
Luckiest Fed - The one with the most luck
Old Fart Fed - Old timer who will never leave us
Politico Fed - Most political fed
Talkative Fed - Who is the most active in the conversation
Idea Fed - Who has the most new thoughts and innovations
Controversial Fed - Who has summoned the most heat
National Fed - The one who will be the next Tyler or Molly
Best Profile Avatar - Sexy and you know it
Best Forum Signature - Rocking it hard

So there you have it boys and girls the newest edition of the Monthly Fed Awards! So members lets get out there and show those deserving praise get the recognition we all know they have earned.
The vote will end on:

Saturday October 11th @ 11:59PM CST
Day 2517 @ 9:59PM eRep

To vote simply jump on the forum and follow the instructions provided, the winners will be announced in a special FPR Mid Week Edition along side Fed Radio this Sunday. So bring it on Fed's lets show those wholly deserving of a great P/H award!

Cast Your Vote Today

Fun And Games

Today we honored to unveil our first game which means no comic this week sorry guys.

Welcome to our game, we call it LOGO based on a popular
game where you try to figure out the missing characters from
a logo.

Ive taken down 5 pc games from my shelf taken a picture of there
covers and removed the logo from the picture. Ive added some of the letters
black letters are full letters that ive given you, white letters are letters im
partially giving you.

Now don't worry im going to pay 5cc for each game you get right and im going
to give you the first one for free.

Pm me with your answers each correct answer scores you 5cc so don't try it out.

The first one is Fire Warrior
Warhammer 40k Fire Warrior

Some say a terrible game but it was from the Warhammer 40k universe featuring
the tau. FPS

_ _ _ E

Westwood Studios made this awesome game based on a movie about spice and space worms...
#3 E _ _ I _ E

This game aimed to compete with Age of Empires by featuring ages from cavemen to robots.
S A N _ _ _
Aiken's Artifact

A game about a comic book I have to say alot of work went into this rpg with a mix of magic and bullets.
C _ T _ _ _ L _ _ M

Not the sequel everyone was looking for this homeworld game was made by a third party developer but I loved to fire the big gun on the ship... against human players you could one shot a enemy mother ship.

Toss the Pizza
We didn't connect this week because the subject
had a birthday and all so we will try the interview
next week after they are done partying.

Wooky asked me to present everyone with the current org chart this was a long project where everyone in leadership tried to redefine rolls and positions we all had different ideas how the best way to precede.

Finally in the shadows proposal C emerged and everyone agreed that Proposal C combining everyone's proposals and some minor changes was the way we were going.

Wooky asked me to take the org chart and put names in there so you yall can see it so here it is.

Here is a clean copy first

Now this might get clipped so feel free to check out the full size above...

Anyway let everyone know how you feel about this.

Thanks for joining us for fedPress Issue 93 we hope you enjoyed the flight please exit through to your left or right but before you do vote and comment and on top of that have a nice day 😃