Flying Unicorn Squadron - January 2010 Report

Day 805, 23:05 Published in USA USA by Office of the Chief of Staff

Since the restart of the Flying Unicorn Squadron, we have been able to help many new players in the short time we have been active, with the help of the eRepublik provided National USA chat room. We have also received donations from outside sources that have helped greatly. We would like to give out thanks to everyone that is helping make this program a success.

Goals vs Reality

Here is how our goals stacked up to the current data we have collected. (Due to most of the new players not having time to get to level 10 the numbers are currently skewed)

Retention for level 5.
Goal - 80%
Actual – 71%

Retention for level 10.
Goal – 80%
Actual – 14%

Moved to Fortress State.
Goal - 90%
Actual – 79%


Due to the shorter time we have been running it will be hard to tell the full effect of the program. Here is a rundown of the data we have collected so far.

New players directly helped.
Average level of first contact.
Average spent per player.
4.2 USD
Players we have helped that have moved to a Fortress State.
22 or 79%
Players we have helped that have made it to level 5.
20 or 71%
Players we have helped that have made it to level 10.
4 or 14%
Known or presumed dead players.
3 or 9%


Thanks to the following players that have made donations to the Flying Unicorn Squadron.

Ike Falcon


Due to the newness of the program and untested bench marks I feel that the organization was useful in its purpose this month. I have laid out some key goals, and how we plan to hit them in the upcoming month.

Goals for February:

100 players helped – Increase active helpers in the chat room
90% of players moved to fortress states – Ask the new player to move before they log off, thus hopefully increasing interest in the game.
80% level 5 and 10 retention – We are almost there. I think in the long run what we are doing will work.

Appreciation for our work:

Dennis McVicker
"Thank you for all your help. I have met some wonderful friends already, and have learned how to navigate the site and IRC. If it weren't for the help you provided me I'd have had a more difficult time of it. So thanks again for everything."

"Thank you for welcoming and showing me around to better help me understand things in the world."

I am looking for one person to work the chat room during daylight hours. If you are interested please msg me.