First Whistle.

Day 602, 16:32 Published in Ireland Cuba by Harrilal

A heads up before I get into writing. Sometimes I will write in proper English. Other times I will write in my home dialect (Trini English). Translations will be provided if asked for (though they won't usually be needed). So without further ado... *pulls out a whistle*

Tweet! Tweeeeeeeet!
Ah reach, eWorld! Ah reach!

A mighty wind sweepin' t'rough de Emerald Isle!
An' wit' de wind came a robbah wit' style.
Cutlass an' revolvah were once mih weapons of choice.
Now, ah cut down enemies usin' pen, paper an' voice.
Mih words will cut down de unjust an' untrue,
an' if yuh not careful, dat could mean you!

Tweet! Tweeeeeeeet! Tweet! Tweeeeeeeet!

I am Harrilal of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. Until the eWorld recognizes my true home, I reside in my ancestral home of eIreland. I recommend it to anyone who is seeking a new home or even just looking for a short break from your own eHome. The community has been nothing but warm to me, from the higher ups right down to the Average Joes like myself. I know that long after my real home is recognized, I will be visiting eIreland regularly.

This newspaper will be used to blow my whistle (and yours, if you choose to comment). I may talk about current eWorld events or silly stories. I may lobby for the (faster) addition of eTrinidad and Tobago, eJamaica or the eCaribbean. You may also be burdened with whatever else is rolling around in my head at the time.

A special thanks goes out to Balkan Beast, Grainne Ni Mhaille, NAR Henry and Litro for being so friendly and helpful in my first days here.

Together we aspire! Together we achieve!