Federalist Party President Nominations and MMBPPR

Day 2,183, 03:15 Published in USA USA by dk3dknight

At this very moment 4 candidates are neck to neck... fighting a uphill battle to be the very next party president of the Fed's...

Note Candidate Progress is as of writing these numbers will change from day to day.
Evil_Elvis with 7 Votes
Crash with 7 Votes
Apollo with 3 Votes
dk3dknight with 3 Votes

Its still anyone's game.

Now since im running and have my personal doubts to beat the other candidates lets talk about me for a moment.

First I would like to say if you have ANY question about me.. go ahead fear not put it in the comments I will do my best to answer it... however small or large or magically infused with soul stones.

Here are questions that have been posted to every candidate with my answers 😃

1) If you were a type of canned vegetables what would you be?

Corn... Hard / Impossible to digest but yummy with Country Crock 😃

2) What does the Feds REALLY need to work on? Why? What are you going to do to change it?

One thing I want to say first if ONE MORE PERSON calls as their ultimate strategy being a baby boom I will probably lose it...

Thats like seeing a cliff and hoping a earthquake moves it closer so you can cross...

To be honest from my perspective as Director of Fun I would say participation levels and we fix that by whipping and handing out the special koolaid.. We need some charismatic folks to go around and make people actually not only believe in the feds like our old members do BUT TO PARTICIPATE in fed activities, and not just PTO activities I MEAN FED ACTIVITIES!!!!!

3) Retention has been pretty much dead. What are your thoughts?

Sadly after the dragonlord died most of the lost art of retention has been lost.. hopefully I will send a expedition with MorningStar to go out and find this lost art.

But going back to what I was saying we actually need some charismatic folks who can get people fired up.. and Rekindle old feds whos flames are not as bright as they make people think they are.

4)Speaking of dead, CoT is also dead. Does this have any Party relevance? If so, what?

Ive actually spent hours each day thinking about this... ill be honest Cot Is dead but not because it wasn't a good idea, its because like normal we decided to use a in game feature to solve a problem.

Tell me when eRepublik offered us limited political party tools did we just sit on eRepublik going oh sad are we, no SOMEONE BUILT A FORUM, Someone designed a IRC, someone put the frameworks for each political party and they didn't just sit there and go lets just use the tools at hand.

No no my friends they said f&*@ this and built there own solution and that to me is what the solution to this problem is.. Any new alliance must not exist in the game. It needs to appear to be less then what it is.. it must be something in the shadows... that can strike to save and protect our eWorld.

That initiative I call GI Joe groups from every Military Unit and Political party allied by documentation that does not exist. Loose treaties is all that will appear to our enemies. They will strike out at the evil of this world and keep TWO guessing wtf is happening...

Anyway I would discuss more into this issue but it doesn't matter right now. This is more bigger politics... something for the future.

5) Who was the worst PP you've seen. What were their strengths? Weaknesses?

I have only seen 2 parties presidents I joined when Tyler was President and I was around for melissa's...

Im not sure how to answer that... I came in only to see the ass end of Tylers so I have no idea what he did before I got there...

When I joined I just had a feeling that the party was tired.. if that makes any sense and I wanted to just take my energy and stab it into the heart of the party...

6) Who was the best PP you've seen. What were their strengths? Weaknesses?

Again this is a hard question for me... I will say Melissa but for reasons that are very odd to most... since I got to watch what happened inside, I had a very different perspective of the party.

Her strengths was she Wuved us

She also fed some members bacon...

7) How active are you on irc/forums? I don't want very or a lot. Give me something monetary (6 hours a day, 100 posts/week, etc.

I spend enough time that my family members make fun of me... and I have managed to make some of them actually dislike me for my ignoring them.

On IRC I have made 6,355 words and my letters by line is 32,570

I have made 535 posts and 20 topics, my average post count is 10.17 a day.

😎 What positions have you served in the Feds? How much of those positions within 6 months? How much within the year?

Director of Fun, and Ive' worked for the fun Department.
That would be the end of what ive done for the Feds 😃

9) When picking people for congress, what do you value? What determines your pick order.

Dependable people who I know will vote for what is right... even if I tell them not to... heavenly forbid I become a power corrupt dictator.

Strangers will be a the bottom of my pick order, folks who have at times done the morally wrong choice will be below them. The rest should be the outstanding and loving feds 😃

10) Who is your VP and why? If you haven't picked one, what do you want in a VP?

I haven't picked one yet, because I secretly hope everyone realizes this was awful mistake and not vote for me.

Trusting and supportive.. someone who will stand by me through the good and the bad.

weew 😛


Do you accept Sushi Cat into your heart?

Yes, sushi cat has been through so many trials, Sushi cat deserves some well deserved cat nap with his sushi...

I must admit I never completed the game but I got quite far...


Favorite one of FG's -

Write a ode to the Feds using only emoticons

I apologize the smiles are not available here.

:ham: :ham: :ham:

:welcome: 😛acon: :ham: :welcome:

:welcome: :feds: :welcome:

😛acon: :ham: 😛acon:

😛org: 😛rou😛

😛rou😛 :feds: :welcome:

😛acon: :feds: :welcome:

:fedparty: :fedparty: :fedparty:



From what I hear SHIELD needs work.
How do you plan to fix what's wrong with SHIELD?

The thing wrong with shield I cannot discuss for it might wound so many to hear it... but I will say we need to infuse some pride and some much needed love.

Perhaps the campaign hero of each battle gets to ride Derproof for one day 😃

One of the things I had wanted to accomplish during my term and wasn't able to, was getting a more active media presence. Do you plan to continue that plan and how will you accomplish it.

As an experiment I recently combined Recruitment and Retention back into one Job under DLS. How do you think this is working and will it be continued under your term.

Ill be honest in that some of my first days of me taking the job over are filled with regrets and missed opportunities..

I should have at that time while we sat on IRC tried to strengthen a stronger relationship with kelly and to this day I regretted not doing so. I had no idea how to bring up that conversation again afterwards, then I got super busy...

See I built a house for the Fun Department then instead of moving forward with your advice I let the media department built a house far far away.. we would meet up and exchange information but it became clear to me that media should have been built into my house instead of something out there in the distance...

I have ideas but since the ground work would take much more thought, and I would need to discuss things with other folks I will instead speak totally in metaphors.

The new setup would have media built into each department functioning as a whole. I would desire that the media department be bigger with a member of media working in each department. The media representative would create content to go into the big newspaper but would also built a department newspaper..

This also would improve communication and so forth, if someone is curious what there department is working on all they have to do is look at their newspaper.

Im not sure if combining them is a good or bad idea...
Im thinking Maybe one combined department but a deputy of each...



1) A look at the National numbers tells an amazing tale. Over the last several months this Party has maintained and even begun to expand a bit while the nation has dropped by nearly half. What is your plan to continue to grow the party?

Physical numbers are misleading.. 😑
I would rather we lose half our numbers if we gained double the amount of active members. The problem is we are gaining members but we are gaining two clickers... and not more active members.

We need to get those folks here on the forum somehow.. and out of erepublik that to me is the main goal...

2) Do you acknowledge that margarine is a lie?

Country Crock is a life source of mine so no.. As im lactose intolerant I have to watch my milk intake. And my momma always
told me butter is bad for you.., and I also admit that some good old country cooking with butter puts me on the porcelain and I make sure
to grab a good book before running in their at top speed.

3) how is dominance established?

It matters the species of both animals. Some animals it is earned and others its a continued fight for, and some you bite the ear to determine domiance...

Though since you didn't specify my answer is A-10 Warthog Thunderbolt II
Establish Dominance with Superior Firepower..

4) what major areas of improvement and/or significant projects do you have in mind for the Feds?

My projects involve changing the ways we see people and treat people. We need to be a family and not just the leadership, I mean its need to go all the way down and up. When someone is hurt they know that feds are their friends not their enemies. We need to build a new found fellowship.

Not with just feds, but the entire USA.. we need to be the party that is the big brother, pushing a fellowship across the entire USA.. When people think of kindness and love I want their first thought to be of the dancing fed smiley.

We need a culture change what that I feel has been coming for a long time and I see they have seen those building blocks falling into place.

Other project being another kind of culture change... One that ive gone around and taken a sledge hammer and broke some of the walls between departments. IF YOU SEE A DEPARTMENT THAT NEEDS HELP AND YOU CAN DO IT YOU BETTER GO DO IT!! No more WALKING AROUND SEEING BROKEN GLASS AND GOING ITS NOT MY PROBLEM!! GO GRAB SOME GLOVES GO FIND THE GUY IN CHARGE OF THAT DEPARTMENT AND OFFER YOUR HELP!!!!

Apparently my sledgehammering was seen as "leadershit" and I stepped in a big pile of "leadershit" so I ask everyone to join me in stepping in the "leadershit" and help get shit done.

If you see a department that's burned out go help them.. send minions whatever send help... Join me in the "leadershit" its nice and moist I promise and it smells like progress.

5) What are the duties of a Party President in your view?

To offer direction to each department director, to motivate, to inspire, to help, to mentor, to love.

Pass out the money, keep open lays of communication. SOLVE ISSUES, Babysitting, Parenting... so forth.

6) great strides have been made in staffing up media, Recruiting/Retention, and the Fun Zone. However, FBI, SHIELD, and FedEx are still hurting for active workers how do you plan to address this?

There are two solutions, start indocternating members and of course the most important clonning...

The problem is getting more and more people to answer the call to work for the feds.

Everyone wants to run stuff but finding the folks who just want to help out thats hard, convincing two clickers the meta game is more DIFFICULT..

I haven't seen a solution to this.. except one.. I call it project MourningStar we pay MourningStar to go around and nudge people to work for the feds. He is very good at this...

7) who do you see as our up and comers in the Party? In other words who do you view as our Leaders of tomorrow? How do you intend to develop even more future leaders?

This questions requires honesty... there has been a stagnation and its not in training feds up, its a stagnation of bodies... folks are either dead two clickers or in leadership.. we seriously don't have enough indians...

The reason directors are getting burned out is not because of them leading too hard, is that they are leading few to at times no one.. they are doing the departments job's themselves...

This is a issue where there is problem in front of another problem and it needs solving before we can even consider solving that one.

😎 why are you the best choice to lead the Feds this month?

Im not.. Im honest, Im a hard worker but im probably the worse choice for party president.

1. I lack the experience
2. I have been told I would be a Awful Party President
3. I would destroy apollos once chance to be the shortest amount of time as a fed to be elected Party President.


Who's the better guitarist.
Angus young or joe perry?

While I didn't know who either was till this moment...
Since this was a important subject to you I began researching both
guitarist, watching pieces of several performances and a documentary.

My research points to Angus Young

In a documentary with Joe Perry he suggested he had a limited guitar vocabulary and this to me translates being less skilled.

I then watched various performances and found that evidence being backed up.

Now some might say I don't know but to me if its important to you I should care 😃

A turtle is upside down in a desert... why aren't you helping the turtle.

A common answer is that im a turtle and thus cannot turn it over.. but that would be a false statement as I am not a turtle.

Perhaps the only methods I have available to help the turtle would result in the death of the turtle.. so I decided to let the next possible soul help the turtle or to go out and find someone who has better tools to help said turtle.

I present you a riddle from the Dick Tracy Activity Book.
Police have a bad guy locked in a room with no way out.
The door is guarded by two officers.

In the room is a mirror, and a table. There are no other doors
nor any windows. The walls are solid.

A hour later the chief returns unlocks the door to find the crook
is no longer there.

How did he escape.
(Note you must use ABSTRACT Thinking to solve this one...)
The solution is a word play... Note this is a child's activity book.

The crook went to the mirror and saw a saw, he took the saw, cut the table in two, took the two halves and put them against the wall, two halves equal a whole he slipped through the hole.

Okay I shall better create my hypothetical question about the turtle.. since apparently some folks do not have the imagination to create a scenario where a animal that does not belong to a specific region or genome would be found in that genome or region.

You live in the desert. You own a small abode in the said desert. You friend drives up to your abode. You agree to watch his "pet turtle" and after your friend leaves you have this twisted desire to leave the turtle upside down in the desert heat.

Why aren't you helping the turtle?

I have to admit I almost broke into a sarcastic rant.. but I stopped myself... 😃

The only reason I can think in this new darker hypothetical question is that im a cruel bastard who hates my friend. Sorry the narrator almost took over... 😃

do you have any POTUS aspirations?

Yes and No
If I lose then yes, if I win no...

But my POTUS aspirations are more or less plans on scaring our enemies, and confusing evil.
My POTUS campaign will ignore all realities of the game and instead reflect my reality.

Are you down with firing department directors that need it?

Thats a tough questions its not just removing useless cargo, is there a person that is better skilled and has more energy to take over that department. If the answer is a double no then no...

Its stupid to replace one member for a member of equal skill energy and so forth. But if a improvement can be found then it needs to be sought out and not just by me.. by that person and that director best be training him.

See we have high energy members and we have high skill members we do have some high skill and high energy but those are rare gems and every time they are used they dull a bit.

If we can build departments with high energy and high skilled working together I think everything will work out.

Now if the directors plan is to sit on a beach for a year sipping pina coladas then your gone and I will replace you with a wooden puppet.. 😛 Till I find a replacement.

how are your Microsoft Excel skills?

Excel is a private love of mine, ive been trained in spreadsheets since I was in junior high.
I feel at peace inside of excel documents.

Do you have any relationships with 6ther parties? It looks like they may be important in CP elections if this past election sets a precedent for number of candidates.

I use to be in a 6ther party when I first started in eRep.. sadly the party got pto'd..
Most of my friends from those days ive lost contact with or are dead. When I re-emerged from death's grasp I was no longer in the political party that I was once in.

I decided I was done with the uphill battles of my past through a larger party I could do so much more.

What makes you special?

Im a member with high energy and I actually care... im the kind of person that likes to fix stuff... now either that is someone you want or not... that is the question to ask ourselves.

Who's the best fed to never be PP? Why him?
BlondeNinja and you should say her...

To be honest I think the whole party needs to be rebuilt with technology and media built into each department. I think she could be the one to redesign it.. in a better image.