February elections: A Preview and a Thank-you!

Day 827, 09:38 Published in USA USA by Cromstar

First off, in case you haven't heard, something big happened last night. What was it, you ask? Well, it seems that a few PENIX nations tried to PTO the eUSA!

No really, they did! Fortunately, once again, they failed epicly. In a stunning turn of events, the eUS gathered together to do the impossible: run one candidate or blocker in EVERY region under EVERY party. Although it seemed impossible, or at the least highly improbable, last night the top 5 parties, the military, and other citizens gathered together to make it happen.

Therefore, I wish to extend thanks to the following people for assisting the Democratic Republicans in doing our part:

1. All the DemReps who signed up to serve as blockers. You guys are awesome!
2. Max McFarland 2, the Vice President of the eUS. He helped coordinate with me to ensure we got enough blockers.
3. Seuss from the Mobile Infantry. His participation helped us score a number of military people as blockers when we ran low on civilian volunteers.
4. Finally, all the members of the TC, HG, MI, and other military branches, as well as the civilian volunteers who helped out. You guys made it possible to do what we did.

Thanks to all of you!

Now, for you DemReps who are interested in who the actual candidates the DemReps are running this month, I'm providing a list. Anyone not on this list is *not* an official candidate for the party.

First, we have several incumbents running for reelection this month.

SGGHays in Nebraska
Cromstar in Pennsylvania
Joe DaSmoe (relocated) in Illinois
logan dunleavy in North Dakota

Additionally, the following members are running to secure their first terms as Congressmen:

Ardez in Alaska
GhostM16 in Arizona
George Griffin in DC
John Largo in Georgia
Regis Jerome in Iowa
Eugene Harlot in Karnataka (YES THAT EUGENE HARLOT!)
comandokiller in South Carolina
Josh Linze in Texas

These are our official candidates, so please support them! If you really wish to help the party, DemReps, and aren't sure exactly where to vote, then send me a PM and I'll try to get back to you. To all our volunteer voters...you'll get tickets and orders tonight!

Thanks to everyone and good luck to ALL the candidates tomorrow!

DemRep PP