Extraterestrii invadeaza eRomania/Aliens invade ERomania

Day 2,128, 08:41 Published in Romania Romania by bobo900

In doua ore populatia Romaniei a crescut cu 1300 !!! Si asta pentru ca nu m-am uitat eu m ai des. 🙂
In dimineata asta am fost 4800 , ieri tot asa, astazi instantaneu avem 6100

Noi aprobari de cetatenii ieri =1
Noi aprobari de cetatenii azi =1
Noi cetateni azi =21

Deci de unde apar 1300 noi cetateni? Clone ar putea fi dar nu apar la cetateni noi? Or fi clone reactivate? Dar 1300 !!!!????
Cineva cred ca a muncit din greu zilele astea 😁

In two hours the pop of Romania increased by 1300. How it is possible?

In this morning was 4800 now is 6100. New citizens today = 21


In last day new citizenship approved = 1
Today =1

So from where 1300 new inhabitants here? Please explain 🙂