Extensive Sycophantic Ode

Day 1,643, 09:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ullok

New to the game and looking for a party interested in you?
Sick and tired of the split in eUK politics?
Looking for a fun and friendly community to become a part of?

Then ESO is the party for you!

We respect the individual, and don’t hold a person’s past against them. When it comes to joining, everyone is welcome. We just expect you to behave when you get in, although that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun.

With the addition of the party feeds communication with our members has become much easier, but we are not happy with dead dropping notes and nuggets of wisdom. Competitions, games and debates on our future are held regularly in our corner of the eUK forum.

ESO also has one of the most active IRC (Internet Relay Chat) rooms on the Rizon server, where everyone no matter their party or nationality is welcome. (Click the poster to join in)

ESO is dedicated to the individual, and has a longstanding tradition of developing and promoting active young players within our party structure but also Parliament/Congress, whilst still valuing, and utilizing experience.

Even though we wholeheartedly support the official UK Armed Forces, ESO operates a separate militia of its own, the ESO Legion. With an enthusiastic and dedicated staff, competitive supplies and bonuses for almost every milestone you will reach as a citizen, the Legion is amongst the largest and most powerful units that the eUK has to offer.

Every Single One – We put the ESO in awesome!

Like what you hear? Then why not join us.