eUS National Cooperative Call-Out

Day 4,625, 08:08 Published in USA USA by Toto Schillaci

Hello everyone,

I have joined eUS National Cooperative several weeks ago and I would like to call all interested players to join it as well.

Here are our By-Laws:

Treasury Link:

List of Producers:
1. Aersidius
2. Kodos
3. john woodman
4. Tyler Bubblar
5. KingTaco
6. Krapis
7. Dopamine
8. Lord Beerus
9. Wilhelm Rontgen
10. Toto Schillaci

The eUS National Cooperative (eUSNC) is looking for additional members and the administration.

If you'd like to join contact any of the affiliated National Producers above and they will hold a vote to incorporate you into the Co-Op.

What's the coop all about?

In short, you join, ask for money to build companies H(Q4 wep raw) and you get it. Of course, you need to be loyal eUS citizen.

You can, but don't need to, send money to Treasurer, so other players can build companies. But, once you get the money for companies and you start earning, you will probably feel the need in a time to help others like others helped you.

Everything is decided by voting.

And that's pretty much all about it. Simple way to get your companies started or multiplied. I had no companies at all, now I own 20 Q4 wep raw companies. And that's just the beginning.

So consider joining us, you won't regret.
