Erepublik Tools - battles, salaries, cheapest products, taxes, regions & more

Day 457, 01:43 Published in USA Poland by carbon


I'd like to present you new site with useful erepublik tools.

What can you do?

1. Find the cheapest products - all prices in gold
2. Check currency exchange rates
3. Check currency exchange rates history - presented as graphs
4. Find the cheapest raw materials - prices are calculated per q1 (so you can direct choose the best offer regardless of raw materials quality)
5. Find the highest salaries - salaries in gold with income tax taken into account
6. Monitor taxes - compare taxes and track changes
7. Read battle statistic - players fights, damage etc.
8. Look for fights of any player - you get a list with his fights
9. Check which country is the orginal owner of the region
11.Check current owners of regions
12.Check where is for example q5 hospital
12.Check where is for example region with 'iron high'

More to come 🙂

Please feel free to use it.

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