eRepublik Rising, and what to expect...

Day 960, 08:46 Published in USA USA by Serendipitous

I'm recently been appointed the Secretary of Interior by President Bradley Reala, and this appointment comes during the tumultuous switch between V1 and V2. I wanted to get the word out the the Interior Department is looking for a few bright minds that are looking to break into the political scene. You can sign up by PMing me directly here: Serendipitous's Message Box 😃

Now, onto the update:


A lot of the two-clickers will be requesting help of some of the older players. I'm writing this to tell you that we have as much an idea of what we have to do as you do. I encourage you to get on IRC and learn more about V2. You can help us test it, and make a few new friends while you're at it 🙂

IRC Guide

1. Open a tab with Mibbit.
2. Click "Launch Mibbit Webchat"
3. Switch the IRC tab to "Rizon (webirc)
4. Change the nick to your in-game name (i.e. Serendipitous)
5. In the channel box, write #eus.
6. Click Go.

It should launch automatically. When you get into #eus, simply ping me (Serendipitous) by writing my name in the chat box. I'll help you out from there.



Stole it from Woxan.


Ever Faithful,
