Erepublik Apocalypse

Day 1,695, 03:29 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bean&teddy

Today I realised my days are numbered. 🙁 I have been infected with THE CURSE OF EREPUBLIK

Let me take you back 24hours........

Yesterday while going through my daily erepublik routines I noticed i had a notification. This is where it gets weird, you see after clicking on it to see what it was It said I had a comment from a certain somebody. Somebody I know to be dead in game.....

Well firstly I thought oh maybe they've reactivated their account so I went to check it out and this is what I saw..

Now for those of you who don't know these people are all in game dead and have been for the past year. Not only that but as you can see they all apparently posted over a year ago even tough the comment was only a day old 😒

Straight afterwards I took that screenshot and tried to send it to one of my friends. But then I noticed the captcha. It was this

I was totally confused. at first it looked like some afro dude so i tried copy and pasting the url of this guy in but to no avail. So whatever it was didn't want me spreading this around.

I then tried to publish this article yesterday and twice I tried to post it but both times i got this

My erepublik was bugged and I could not fight and I could only send pm's with great difficulty. It wouldn't let me log in and when it did I only could see maintenance.

Something strange is up.
Maybe they're ghosts back to haunt me.
Maybe they're trying to tell me something
Maybe it's just a few bugs... all I know is....


time ereep: 04:37
Day: 1695

Now they want people to see it. I'm really confused 😒 I have since deleted them to stop votes spreading between them.