eChristmas Wish List

Day 2,575, 09:48 Published in Ireland Ireland by Anthony Colby
Dear eSanta,

What I want this eChristmas is a real economy. Not the poor imitation economy we have now but a real working economy. One with real currencies and work skill brought back. Return the hard worker medal to working 30 days IN A ROW. I have heard from some of my friends that they also want a working economy for eChristmas so I hope you can fulfill our wish list.


Anthony Colby

P.S. I will leave some carrots for the reindeer.

Hello all. Anthony Colby here. As you can see from my letter to eSanta above many people around here want a change to the economy module. Gone are the days of work skill, national currencies that had individual value, and actually running a business that needed employees to create goods.


Who knows.

I guess in order to simplify things. But in my opinion that has taken away from the game play. I remember the days of employers giving out gifts to valued employees, ( at least mine did ) of organizations to run your businesses and store extra goods. Heck even advertising had some spark of creativity involved.

So how would I change things you ask? Well as long as we are wishing then here is what I would do.

Disclaimer: I am not an economist. So any ideas I post are based on my rudimentary rememberings from High School 26 years ago.

First off I would limit gold.

What you say? Why would you do that? Well the way I see it there is too much gold in the eWorld and if there is going to be a working economy then there can not be an unlimited supply of gold that can constantly be added which will drive down the value of currencies. Change the gold that players can buy to something like platinum so that gold can be used as a means of currency exchange like it should be and not a way to keep fighting and restoring health. I would also take away gold as a reward from some of the medals earned. Again. Too much gold.

I would replace the rewards earned for military achievements with a combination of training contracts, rank points and strength increases. Since when when winning a medal did your commanding officer hand you a bunch of gold. Yes I know you get rank points and strength increases for fighting and training so then give a 2% increase of your total points so far or something like that.

What of the other medals such as work, media and political medals. Well the work medal should be returned to 30 consecutive days and getting one should be the means of upgrading your companies. You get a discount on your upgrades based on how many medals you have or maybe after winning a medal you get 5 days to have a 50% discount on upgrades but you lose it if you don’t use it.

Media medals are a bit tougher. Maybe you get to publish for free in 10 nations for each medal.

Political medals such as Congress election and CP? Honestly I don’t know. I guess the gold could still be awarded. Or the new platinum that I spoke of. I am just one person. I can’t figure out all of this by myself.

OK. Once gold is limited then it should only be used as a means of currency exchange. With a working economy with individual country currencies people should be able to make money by buying and selling currency. I know there is some of that now but it is not very rewarding. Individual currencies should rise and fall based on in game conditions and intelligent people and nations should be able to profit heavily off of that. In a game of warfare it would also be another front for nations to attack their enemies. Although not so straight forward. A nation could be under attack and not even know it. It would make it so watching the markets and currency rates would be a matter of national security and not just a money making proposition.

So how would national currencies be valued? I would make it a combination of the value of the total number and quality of businesses in a nation (actual working businesses not ones of dead citizens and not ones with no employees) the amount of currency in circulation of course and the work skill of the employees of the nation. Work skill do you say. Yes. Bring it back. The higher the average of the skill levels of all the employees should matter. A nation of highly skilled workers should impact the value of the currency. So some formula taking all these factors ( and others if they work well ) should determine the value of each nations’ currency.

So in conclusion:

Limit gold in the game.
Bring back work skill.
Make currencies have an actual value based on in game factors.
Once up and running. LEAVE IT ALONE. Let things run their course.

Now as I said I am no expert on such matters. This are just my ideas as to some changes that maybe might improve game play. Comment, critique, improve all you like. That is why I posted. Maybe it is total crap. Maybe there is some merit in the ideas.

All I can do is put it out there and see what happens.

If you like it share it. If not then don’t.

Thanks for taking the time to read.

Anthony Colby