
Day 2,609, 03:43 Published in India Croatia by Vijayakrishna

Isn't it weird? That I after all those out there have to bear the burden of passing on what might be last article of our esaint Patanjali. If it is true he left, it is quite an unceremonious exit. Let's see what he has to say.

Te-ai nascut, da… de ce? Yes, you were born… why?

Om bhūr bhuvah svah

Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam

“Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam” means more likely “we are all brothers (sisters)” and it looks more likely to more familiar for the Balkans “Torna frate”.

India has given me more satisfactions, mostly connected to my inner self. Beyond any prides and vanities, in India, I have found people with a natural understanding of the meaning of life, of its purpose.

Indians are very likely to us, Balkans people (not only Romanians, but also Bulgarians, Serbs, Greeks ...)

Most of the times they are unaware of the enormous heritage they have, of the thesaurus they have given to the mankind, just like us but in a different way from the Westerners who rationalize and instrument everything.
They have native intelligence which they cannot be drifted apart from, just like the Balkan people. They know to improvise, to invent on spot, to find solutions.

Like “Coliba” said “when it is hard, improvise”. Just like us.

Even odder, I speak the “same language” with some of them just like with some of you. A language of … understanding, sometimes sprinkled with specific terms sometimes Sanskrit, but not necessarily.
I would say we have the same ... horizon of expectations.

We know the world is evil, that it is not it our purpose and that material accomplishment is not people’s destiny.
I could go even further and say that I have found more “wise men” in India than in the Balkans without wishing to offend or praise anybody..

Their odd castes system (which they do not want to admit) is very blamed by the West and it is regarded outside the “politically correct” notion, though in the European countries, poor people are dying from frost, and that the difference between those who own and those who don’t is obvious.

More and more obvious.

Just like our ancestors, the Indians also defined some civilization cycles.
According to their calendar, we are now in “Kali yug”.

I know, you see Kali as a Goddess of Death, asking for corpses for her powers, but Kali is also Durga, the mankind protector, its savior.
This is just the first ... hiatus in today’s talk.

Literary, Shiva means the one who ... is nothing.
For the Universe is more nothing than something.
This is the reason why Shiva is sometimes seen as a supreme God, beyond everything.

Just like Shiva is, religiously speaking, the yogis’ protector (as he returns regularly to he HUMAN life and .. practices), and for the personal accomplishment, both Samkhya and Vaiseshika recommend a total detachment from the world and from everything it means.
In Samkhya, the antic philosophy closest to Yoga (which is nothing but a path to accomplishing the purpose of this life) there is no God (and this already is a huge heresy for a Westerner – though the Westerner has no God).

The intimate cause for the reason why Shiva is (by name) nothing is given by the sutra 1.51 of the Yoga Sutra. Beyond all world’s powers, beyond any of the beauties and the blessings, each of us must understand … the Nothingness to melt into the “Moksa”, the state of liberation.

What I want to say is that we are at the ... at the world’s completion
But ...

But each one is responsible only for himself. If you want, you may help your universal pair.
Or your kind.
Some are in need for us (I am the bearded one) – I feel brother with him.
Customs from Lapusului County. Neither in Transylvania, or in Moldavia, but in both.

And I have reached my goal.

What do we want from this life? What is our purpose?

Until now, I have just asked questions to make you think, to get closer.
Now, I am trying to give you some answers.

We are born equal. Like the French Revolution ideal.
Ok. We are not all equal.

Some have done good in other lives and they are more favored now.
At least if they would know how to use it. Most of them do not know and they are not even aware of their previous doings.

Unfortunately, this advantage of theirs leads them, most of them, to the loss.

Likewise, the Christians, like the Muslims becoming extremists or the Jews losing their “communication” with ISHVARA for a few dollars more, they lose the path towards which they were sent.

Odd enough, the Balkan people (and I have met Serbs, Bulgarians, and Greeks, not only Romanians), keep as long as they have customs connections with their prior civilization. So archaic in the modern world.
Yet, I have found this only in India.

Believe and pray, but do it daily with reason (not to pass the maturity, but as norma behavior)
Control your mind and senses and become your own masters.
Do good and have a virtuous life (if you understand which the virtues are).
Read any holy book and do as it says there. Know yourselves by this (until the smallest gesture – the modern science makes you believe that gathering knowledge is enough, you are engineers or doctors in science but you cease to be human). Knowledge does not mean only gathering information but … mostly putting it into practice (mostly on yourselves).

Sas, one Buftea kisses you. Maybe this will help end the dispute.
I am keeping you as friend.
You and many more others!

_/\_ Shukriyaa !
Thank you !

Meri shubhkaamanaaye aapke saath hai !

Chalte, Chalte !

I hope that my will could allow me to make this the last article of mine in eR, like a testament, which I gladly let to all of you, for enlightening (which in fact is a union with the true world, which is 99,9% black and nothing).

I beg my friends who speak Romanian and English too, to translate for my Indian friends, .... and to became friends with them.

Dhaniyavaad and

Namaste, to all.

Girls, I kiss you all