Cuba /// a political ideology

Day 2,372, 15:32 Published in Belgium Belgium by Ronan the Accuser I

We must bear in mind that imperialism is a world system, the last stage of capitalism — and it must be defeated in a world confrontation. The strategic end of this struggle should be the destruction of imperialism.

— Che Guevara, 1967

Hello eBe tomorrow a new country will born, I (We) have small chance to get in. But in case you not see me anymore here (not be happy) Thanks for all. My MU will remain here and my name will change tomorrow.

Well in case i'm not (you will stay with me here forever ! 😃 )


Wish me luck


Is not import who wins, if the policies are good!

This is only a Economy Report, is not a Congress Proposal

1. Belgium vs New Zeland Economy
2. North Korea

Note: We have here 2 different system a open market from Belgium and a 99% Import TAX from New Zeland.

New Zeland ► 193 Actives Citizens ► 3 Bonus Region
Belgium ► 327 Actives Citizens ► 3 Bonus Region

Revenue source 

NZ Day 2,434 ► 503,84 ░░░░░ BE ► 656,98
NZ Day 2,435 ► 666,31 ░░░░░ BE ► 343,81
NZ Day 2,436 ► 4.870,03 ░░░░ BE ► 479,08
NZ Day 2,437 ► 1.439,19 ░░░░ BE ► 455,96
NZ Day 2,438 ► 492,01 ░░░░░ BE ► 547,52
NZ Day 2,439 ► 265,69 ░░░░░ BE ► 328,76
NZ Day 2,440 ► 1.296,97 ░░░░ BE ► 445,86

New Zealand
Have 5% VAT food/weapons products - Belgium 15% VAT for food/ 1% Weapons

Work Tax ░░░ Import Tax ░░░ VAT
1.00% 99% 5%
1.00% 99% 5%
Moving Tickets
1.00% 99% 5%
1.00% 1% 10%
Food Raw Materials
1.00% 99%
Weapon Raw Materials
1.00% 99%
House Raw Materials
1.00% 1%

Surprise to see the #Day Income for NZ, with a 99% Import Tax.
NZ Players, use the international rate for selling his food, weapons, etc..

If you have to move to NZ the price are very attractive, and i don't need move to a big bonus country to bay weapons and food before fight

What is a good things for the national factory's and for Country's account
They made less profit but they sell faster.

The RW's help a lot for the economy

Belgium vs NZ = ????

North Korea is the example to not follow

Food, Weapons, Moving Tickets, Food Raw Materials, Weapons Raw Materials and House Raw Materials

Are all with

1% Work TAX
1% Import TAX

NK ► Revenue source 
Day 2,434 ► 23,47
Day 2,435 ► 23,13 
Day 2,436 ► 14,61 
Day 2,437 ► 10,07 
Day 2,438 ► 14,27 
Day 2,439 ► 15,26 
Day 2,440 ► 20,05 

North Korea

Latest Updates
For explain, maybe! The reason from the Economy disaster in North Korea
We have to come back on day 2.187

After Day 2,187
Erepublik create the Taxation of Occupied Regions

In order to make successful military campaigns more rewarding, we have introduced the Taxation of Occupied Regions. In addition to the familiar production bonuses, countries will now gain additional tax income from the regions they have conquered.

The amount of currency collected through taxes is updated in real time both in the country treasury and in the Tax Revenue chart.

The taxes of country under partial or total occupation are divided between the occupying countries and the country that is occupied. The taxes are affected by the number of regions each country holds.

The taxes included in the calculations are:
- Import tax
- VAT (Value Added Tax)
- Work tax

The formula

PCI = Partial Country Income
TCI = Total Country Income
TC = Tax Collected
BI = Base Income (20% for the country collecting the tax)
OR = The number of original regions of the country
CR = The number of original regions currently under control

PCI = TC * ( CR/OR*80% + BI )

For example, Greece has 10 regions and 2 of them are under occupation of Finland and 1 is under occupation of Sweden. Greece collects 1000 currency in taxes from its citizens.
OR = 10
TC = 1000
BI = 20%
CR (Greece) = 7
CR (Finland) = 2
CR (Sweden) = 1
TCI (Greece) = 760 currency
TCI (Finland) = 160 currency
TCI (Sweden) = 80 currency

The total income of a country (TCI) is the sum of PCI’s calculated for the original and non-original regions the country possesses.

For example, Finland controls a part of its original regions, but has also occupied regions from Greece and Belarus. Finland’s TCI will be:
TCI = PCI(Finland) + PCI (Greece) + PCI (Belarus)

Note that even if a country has 0 regions, the base income is still 20%.

They just don't want pay the 20% for the enemy 😉

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