CP Update - Day 1,242

Day 1,242, 17:39 Published in Ireland Ireland by Sean MacDiarmata

Ladies and Gentlemen of Ireland,

There has been a lot happening over the past week or so and I will discuss most of it in my update.

In the Irish Army, we have deployed to Aegean Islands, twice in West Srpska Republik, Maramures, Southern Finland, Varna, Lika & Gorski Katar, Esfahan and Northern Dalmatia. Fighting for no less than seven of our allies, helping win some and putting up a fierce fight in the others. Over the next few weeks we will continue to support all our allies when ever we are called upon.

Foreign Affairs
Brian Boruand Irasian have been working very hard with our allies in EDEN and other nations to try improve and build relations with all nations. Through their work we have tied up two MPP's with EDEN allies Bosnia and Herzegovina and Italy, two nations who have helped Ireland before and I want to see us repaying that favor in the future. We were close to signing two additional MPPs but it was mutually decided not to pursue them at this time.

Dubhthaigh has been working to bring out new tax measures and MM programs to try stabilize the MM as much as we can and to ensure we as a nation have sufficient taxes coming in over the next month. Dubhthaigh has been discussing his idea's and measures on the forum and in the MoF paper NIB Paper. For further information I ask you to see the paper and forum as they can provide better answers than I could.

S1lv3r k1d has released a few competitions for the Irish Community and has given out good prizes to the winners. There is currently a number of Q1 houses and weapons lieing around and I will be giving them to S1lv3r to give as prizes. Peter Lyons is also working to start a good game to give out prizes to help new players progress in the game and this is something I really want to help with. James Keiller has some good idea's on ways to assist both S1lv3r and Peter in this and will be working with them to get good things done.

Change in positions
Due to inactivity there will be one or two changes over the next day or two because ministers either aren't doing their jobs or not getting in contact with me when they are asked to. This is one thing that isn't accepted, if you agree to do a job and then refuse to contact someone or do the work assigned to you, you will be removed from the job.

Now I must explain my temporary ban there a few days ago, this was due to me releasing information from the CP forum. I did not know I wasn't suppose to but apparently there is a rules section that has it there, I also said something about admin that I shouldn't have. I had reason for saying it but it doesn't excuse what I said.

While I was banned, it didn't stop me working. I was discussing MPP's with other nations, working with our allies on battle deployments and bringing back my fond memories when I supplied by doing it for a while over the last few days. I also made this New Players Site which allows new players to login and view guide's that will allow them to get the basics of eRepublik quicker and hopefully make them want to stay in the game and community.

I have loads more work to do and will continue to update you as I go along, anyone wanting to ask me anything as always can contact me ingame, on the forum or on the IRC.

Marcus Suridius
eIreland President